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Opinions of Monday, 27 September 2021

Columnist: Chiikpab Nsuimor Prosper

Outgoing DCE Hon. Abdallah Hashim engineered the historic victory of the NPP in the Mion Constituency in election 2020

Hon. Abdallah Hashim Hon. Abdallah Hashim

Our great NPP in 2020 made History by winning in both Presidential and Parliamentary elections for the very first time in the Mion constituency.

The unprecedented victory could not have been possible without the hard and good works of the then-District Chief Executive, Hon. Abdallah Hashim, who has now been replaced.

Hon Hashim indeed implemented the policies and programmes of the government across the Mion area as the Chief Executive Officer. He made sure that the developmental projects were evenly distributed in the constituency which made our campaign so easy as every community could point to something as we went on campaign rounds.

This actually also indicated that the government of President Akufo - Addo was ably represented in the area by Hon. Mohammed Hashim Abdallah really has the people of Mion at heart and so the constituents voted at the polls to give the NPP a historic victory.

Among some of the projects undertaken during the tenure of Hon. Hashim included the provision of clean water and electricity to over 30 communities, construction of bridges and culverts to stop the perennial cut-offs of communities during massive rains, reshaping roads, Completion of 14 Education sector projects with over 3,000 Dual Desks.

In the Health sector, eight projects were started and completed and 15 CHPS compounds were furnished.

On security, he established a permanent police station in Sang. The DCE also played a very instrumental role in the commencement of the only community day SHS at Sang, the District capital.

He provided the school with an ultra-modern library with the capacity of 200 students at a time. He also supervised the government's flagship, One village One Dam, in the district and oversaw the implementation of several Northern Development Authority’s projects under its Infrastructure for Poverty Eradication Projects. The new District Administration which lacked facilities was not left out.

He finished the uncompleted District Assembly building and moved the operations of the district assembly into it. He also completed six accommodation units for DCE and some heads of Departments and agencies.
Agriculture was his topmost priority as over 90% of the people engaged in farming and other agricultural activities.

He managed to acquire two tractors and accessories for the District Assembly which has helped the government flagship initiative planting for food and jobs. He implemented another flagship programme called. This is aimed at improving the rural economy of the people.

He distributed over 250,000 thousand cashew seedlings to farmers under the Planting for Export and Rural Development initiative and 5,000 trees to boost the government’s greening Ghana agenda.

On the political front, He facilitated the building of the NPP Constituency Party Office and furnished them with modern equipment.

He further supported the erection of over thirty (30) party pavilions across the constituency. He led the NPP’s campaign and also provided logistical and financial support to all volunteering groups. He, in fact, was the largest donor to the party in the Mion Constituency going into the 2020 election.

He won the hearts of many in the constituency especially the traditional rulers who this time supported and stopped calling on the people to vote for NDC. Finally, he cooperated and worked effectively with our then PC now MP, Hon. Musah Abdul-Aziz Ayaba to make sure victory was the only option in the elections.

For his role in the unprecedented victory and for the good works while in office as the DCE, we the people of Mion are forever grateful to you.

The Vice President, H.E.Alhaji Dr Mahamudu Bawumia has fulfilled a promise with renomination by nominating Hon. Samuel Mahama to the position of District Chief Executive for his exceptional role played in the said victory.

Mr Vice President, we also appeal to you to redeem the second part of your pledge which is to give Hon. Abdallah Hashim, a very good appointment.

Chiikpab Nsuimor Prosper.
Polling Station Secretary and 2020 Diplomatic Patriots Communication Director -Mion Constituency.