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Opinions of Friday, 18 January 2013

Columnist: Allotey, Henry Kpakpo

P.P.P and N.D.P also talking about rigging?

When i listen to people in insignificant parties like the NDP, PPP and other smaller parties talk of rigging, i just want to puke. It is nauseating how politicians have taken the average man to be a fool and cannot reason. Let me talk about these two parties.

First P.P.P: My question is: Did Paa Kwesi Nduom even for a second thought Ghanaians will ever vote for him and his PPP? What has been the contribution of that PPP to Ghana's politics apart from assembling young Turks to rain insults on those who dare criticize their flagbearer? I have watched as unruly kids in the PPP like Richmond Keelson, Kofi Asamoah and others insult people just because they disagree with Paa Kwesi. I vividly remember how they subjected Kwesi Pratt to venomous insilts and even went ahead to threaten him simply because he has called out Mr. Nduom on some of his lies and grandiose promises.

Paa Kwesi Nduom has and is a member of the N.P.P. He worked extensively in Kuffour's administration and projected the N.P.P far above his own political party the C.P.P. All of us are aware he won the K.E.E.A seat simply because the N.P.P refused to field a candidate. When the N.P.P decided to field a candidate in 2008 his preferred C.P.P candidate lost heavily to the N.D.C. Paa Kwesi Nduom has never been a popular politician apart from his populist rhetoric. Even in his home turf of K.E.E.A, he has never been popular apart from his enclave at Elmina.

The P.P.P has been heavily funded by the N.P.P. The motive was just to take away votes from the C.P.P and some flouting voters. Paa Kwesi Nduom's PPP entered the election not with a view of winning, but striking some political gain in an unlikely event we go for a run-off. His investment of $4,000,000 in this election is likely to go down the drain unless he can strike some deal with the winning party. It has always been about Paa Kwesi Nduom and his selfish ambition and nothing more.

My message to the PPP is this: The N.D.C will never strike any bargain with them. They are an appendage of the N.P.P and must wait till the N.P.P comes to power then they can strike all the deals they want. A capitalist like Paa Kwesi Nduom has no place in a social democratic party like the N.D.C. Mr. Nduom and his surrogates must forget about any power sharing or deals to keep them quiet. Ghanaians overwhelmingly voted for the N.D.C and no amount of noise making will delude their joy. Nduom will never, ever become president of Osagyefo's Ghana. He is a political washout and must rather concentrate on fleecing his poor workers. He should advice his young Turks to find jobs and stop wasting the ears of Ghanaians with their childish noises on radio.

N.D.P: This is a party that made so much noise yet could not fill a simple form! There is no need wasting so much time to write about this still-born political party. Nana Konadu can only be the president of his dead 31st December women's movement. He and his husband have lived their time in Ghana's politics and must retire in peace. Their rants cannot undo the will of the people. As long as some of us have breaths in us, we shall fight vigorously to make Nana Konadu and his useless N.D.P irrelevant in Ghana's politics.

John Dramani Mahama is the elected president of the people of Ghana and no amount of rable rousing will change that. He shall reign till 2016 when Ghanaians will go for the polls again. Till then, His Excellency John Dramani Mahama is our president.

Henry Kpakpo Allotey 0243370764 [email protected]