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Opinions of Thursday, 22 January 2015

Columnist: Bonsi, Frank Henry

Paragliding Catching Up With The People Of Volta Region

Volta region celebrated its first paragliding festival during the 2014 Christmas holidays. The festival dubbed, Likpe Christmas Paragliding Festival was held at Likpe in the Hohoe Municipality. It was the choicest place for holidaymakers during the Christmas, especially those around the Hohoe municipality.
The festival attracted many dignitaries including Helen Ntosu, volta regional minister; Lt. Col. Gbevlo Lartey (rtd), former national security coordinator, Dr. Obed Yoa Asamaoh, former foreign affairs minister and Chiefs. They expressed delight at the development of the Likpe Mountains into a tourist site and anticipate the festival will increase local and international patronage for tourism. They also hope it will increase the socio-economic status of the people in the Hohoe Municipality. The Likpe Mountain is part of the Akwapim-Togo ranges which is about 700 meters above sea level. It is home to Kotini Resort, Likpe Ancestral Caves and The Wadjekli waterfall.
The festival organized by Kotini Resort, Sekpele FM and Malaysian Gardens attracted tourist both local and international from Germany, Togo, India and The United States. The paragliding site has three take-off and three landing points with security facilities at each end. Patronage for the flight was high despite the GHC200 fee charged. Children and Adults who had the opportunity to fly about 4km at a height of about 700 meters above sea level, expressed delight of their expedition; even though some expressed fear before the flight. Roisterers present enjoyed themselves amid good traditional music, drumming and dancing. Others took the opportunity to visit the ancestral caves of Likpe Todome and the Wadjakli waterfall all within the enclave.
The three days festival from 26th -28th December brought together friends, families and school mates who fraternized and made merry. Up until now the Kwahu Easter paragliding festival was the only paragliding site in the country, which takes place every Easter. Likpe Christmas paragliding festival comes to two in the country and will serve as an alternative for those who cannot make it to Kwahu in Easter, as it’s said to be an annual event every Christmas