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Opinions of Monday, 6 April 2020

Columnist: Jonas Owusu Ohemeng

Partial lock down and law enforcement

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On Monday 30th March 2020, some parts of Ghana started partial lockdown following the implementation of the Executive Order on the Imposition Restrictions Act 2020 announced by the president. This means that movement of people will be restricted, and some businesses will be closed during the period within the affected areas. This move is to curtail the spread of the COVID-19 within the country after recording some confirmed cases.

The security and law enforcing agencies were given the mandate to see to the enforcement of this order in the Imposition of Restrictions Act 1012/2020. Before the commencement of the partial lockdown, there were fears among some citizen that, the law enforcing and security agencies were going to harass the public and infringe on their fundamental human rights.

To add up to such fears, were many circulating videos and messages on social media platforms of purported warnings and brutalities of civilians by security and law enforcing officers in some parts of the world on lockdown. In fact, some of these videos brought memories of the revolution era in the country which many Ghanaians do want to experience again. There were assurances both form government and top hierarchies of the security and law enforcing agencies that, they were to protect Ghanaians and not to harm them.

One week gone, although there have been some alleged cases of civilian brutalities by the security and law enforcing agencies, many have been refuted by their leadership. The leadership of the security and law enforcing agencies have also warned their personnel to exhibit high standard of professionalism and asked the public to report any acts of unprofessionalism to the relevant authorities.

Despite some shortfalls, the security and law enforcing agencies are doing tremendously well in the time of this pandemic. Their presence is felt everywhere, making sure that the presidential orders are complied with, defying all the weather conditions. Most of them have exhibited high sense of professionalism in dealing with the public and creating the awareness of COVID-19 not as a myth. Their education on adherence to safety and hygienic behaviors, the need to stay home, stop the spread and stay safe is commendable.

Like other essential service providers, our security and law enforcing officers are highly at risk and are always exposed to the public making sure that life and properties are protected within these challenging times. Our friends have little or no PPE’S endangering their lives and that of their immediate families, yet they are meant to enforce the law at the pearl of their lives.

My dear fellow citizens, please let us assist our officers during this pandemic period by complying to the orders entailed in the lockdown documents. We should avoid going out, thus staying home, stopping the spread and staying face. In an emergency where we need to go out, we must observe all the safety precautions not to get infected. We must cooperate with our officers detailed at the various check points and go by the all the simple orders. Essential service providers are always advised to carry out their form of identification to prevent any form of confrontation with them.

To our gallant security and law enforcing officers, kindly continue to exhibit your professionalism despite all the forms of provocations you may be exposed to. Continue to protect lives and properties as we observe the lockdown during this pandemic and wait, trusting in God for a solution. You are doing a great job, AYEKOO.

Let me appeal to the government and all the relevant authorities to initiate an immediate life insurance scheme for all our security and law enforcing officers to cater for them and their immediate dependents in critical times like this and any other situation that is life threatening to them in discharging their duties.

Let us all remember that COVID-19 is outside there looking for someone to devour, do not be a prey, stay home and be safe. You are an asset to the world, your nation and your family. Don’t forget that you have only one chance to live, do not gamble with it. God protect us all. GOD BLESS OUR HOMELAND GHANA

By: Jonas Owusu Ohemeng

Development Communicator

Inspirational speaker

Security Analyst.

[email protected]