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Opinions of Sunday, 10 May 2020

Columnist: Nana Ohene-Ntow Adinyira

Pay up Kwesi Appiah

Coach Kwesi Appiah Coach Kwesi Appiah

The ex-Black Stars coach Kwesi Appiah is owed salary arrears and also a match winning bonus months after his contract ended which is rather unfortunate and unacceptable.

Kwesi Appiah is even prepared to drag the Ghana Football Association (GFA) to court if he is not paid. Although the GFA does not pay the coach directly but rather the Government of Ghana through the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the GFA should play any obligatory role it has to play in order to facilitate the early payment of what is rightly due to Kwesi Appiah. Also the Ministry of Youth and Sports should eliminate any bottlenecks within their structure that might be causing the delay of the payment of Kwesi Appiah’s entitlements.

If there is the lack of a long-term source of funding for coaches of the Black Stars, adequate long-term sponsorship can be sought by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in order for such an unfortunate situation not to occur to the current Black Stars coach CK Akonnor and subsequent Black Stars coaches.

Kwesi Appiah deserves what he has worked for and he should be paid up as soon as possible.

During this era of the global pandemic of COVID-19, let us all please make sure to keep safe for us to get out of this nightmare.