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Opinions of Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Columnist: Yahoo Security Service

Peace and unity among Muslim factions has beneficial effect on the nation

National Chief Imam, Sheikh Dr. Osman Nuhu shrubutu with Vice President, Dr Bawumia National Chief Imam, Sheikh Dr. Osman Nuhu shrubutu with Vice President, Dr Bawumia

Although there are various Islamic factions in the entire world including Ghana all well-meaning people including succeeding presidents of Ghana as Nana Addo Danquah Akufo Addo, require all Muslims to live as one family.

Members of all Muslim factions including Sunnis, Shias, Ahmadis, Tijanis etc., are considered Muslims. This is because they all believe in and follow religiously the five main pillars of Islam that include the belief in the oneness of God; establishment of prayers; fasting during Ramadan; payment of Zakat; and undertaking pilgrimage to mecca.

In addition to the five pillars, all Muslims know and believe that Islam means peace. As a result, every true Muslim does not support factions that engage in terrorism and other extremist activities, the National Chief Imam, Sheikh Dr. Osman Nuhu shrubutu, who has proved to be a topmost unifier, has close relationship with all Muslim factions and non-Muslims in Ghana and the world over.

In Ghana he has always been saying that, there is no need for Muslims to get divided. According to the Chief Imam “In unity lies strength” saying that when Muslims fail to close their ranks they would be weak to the extent of being defeated in a battle by “opposing forces”.

He has extended this to the field of politics where every political party leader such as President Nana Akufo Addo of New Patriotic Party [NPP] and former President John Mahama of National Democratic Congress[NDC] are welcome to his home and to Muslims at all times.

In a Friday sermon delivered by Alhaji Ibrahim Toure, the Imam of Ashongman Estates Mosque he stated that just like any Muslim leader, the National Chief Imam is right in advocating for peaceful coexistence among Muslims. This is because Islam has taught the Muslim Ummah to remain united and peaceful and emphasized the need for the Muslims to live as one family as it is mentioned in al-Qur’an: “The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy.” [Al-Hujaraat 49:10]
The Imam went on to explain that, Islam prescribes for Muslims to be flexible, alert and aware of the affairs of their Muslim brethren and sisters. It teaches the Muslim ummah to help their brethren that are less fortunate and oppressed.

Allah Subhaanahu Wata’aala mentions in al-Qur’an:

“The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They are enjoined to do what is right and forbid what is wrong” [At- Tawbah 9:71]
However much we differ due to our differences, Islam does not allow at all for Muslims to be divided.

Moreover, differences of opinion are meant to make Islam more dynamic and flexible religion.

Consider the hadith narrated by Anas ibn Malik Radyallahu anhu which says:

“Do not hate one another, and do not be jealous of one another, and do not desert each other and O servants of Allah! Be brothers.”

This hadith reminds us to always safeguard our ties of kinship and fraternity. Envy, hatred, betrayal and other evil attitude would only result in enmity and hostility within the Muslim Ummah which ultimately leads to disunity.

In preserving our bond of brotherhood, Islam has outlined several guidelines, among them include the following:

Every Muslim must not harbor bad feeling and strife towards each other, including hurling accusations and slander against each other.

Envy will only sever the bond of brotherhood among Muslims.

Similarly, bad attributes like causing “fitnah”, backbiting, suspicion, and always looking for faults and mistakes of other Muslims must be avoided.

Allah Subhaanahu Wata’aala mentions in al-Qur’an that:

“O you who believe, avoid [negative]assumption towards one another. Indeed, a negative and wrong assumption is a sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would surely detest it. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is ready to accept our repentance as he is merciful “[Al-Hujuraat 49:12]

Therefore, every Muslim is reminded not to easily accept and believe everything conveyed to them, especially those coming from unreliable or suspicious sources.

Islam highly discourages Muslims from easily accepting and believing every information conveyed to them, especially those coming from unreliable and or suspicious sources.

Islam highly discourages Muslims from wishing to hear and easily believing in what is transmitted by others at face value because it could be false or news made up maliciously intended to disgrace and humiliate others or even ruin the unity of the Muslim Ummah.

Emphasis on this is mentioned by Allah Subhanahu Wata’aala in al-Qur’an that:

“O you who believe, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate it, lest you would harm a person or people out of ignorance and become liable over what you have done, regretful” [al-hujaraat 49:6]

The imam ended by calling on Muslims to pray for Allah’s “Rahma” blessings] on all those who are working in support of Islam and Muslims especially the donor of a beautiful Mosque for the people of Ashongman Estates in Accra.