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Opinions of Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Columnist: Fosu, John

Perseverance conquers difficulties

When an issue is raised, it has to be vigorously pursued until a desirable solution is found, no matter how long it takes, and how intricate it may be. Victory belongs to the most persevering."

I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature" - John D. Rockefeller. The person with the responsibility to chart a course must be ready to suffer all sorts of problems, insinuations, insults, destructive criticisms, and to succumb to insomnia. It normally should be the responsibility of every Ghanaian to be each other's keeper. But is it what is pertaining in our society of today? No, not according as viewed on the ground. The majority of Ghanaians think about themselves as individuals, and are ready to sacrifice their fellows in pursuit of their personal happiness and unquenchable greediness for wealth. Nevertheless, there are a few honest ones who have girded themselves for an onslaught on the despicable vices prevalent in Ghana. Are these few humanistic optimists, whom through dedication to duty, believing to be able to rescue Ghana from the clutches of her destroyers spared of their scathing comments and malevolent machinations? No! The destroyers are at their throat at the least opportunity, as usual, resorting to their evasive, but injurious dirty tricks. But should the optimists renege on their avowed determination to see truth reign supreme as a result of undue mistreatment? No. There is the need for persevering until success is achieved. This is the most reason why I often write about the same issue until I find a level of satisfaction however hackneyed it may be.

"A pessimist says a glass is only half empty, and an optimist says a glass is only half full". Many in Ghana being pessimists, have given up hope, concluding that the ravaging effects of corruption on the economy are so great to grapple with. Although Ghana is in hyperactive moral degeneration, Ghanaians all over the world still refer to Ghana as a "Christian" country, and themselves, God-fearing. I beg to differ with them. The moral decadence is shockingly alarming. It is more than enough to nullify any such Christian status were there any genuinely bestowed upon Ghana at all. The accelerating expansion of corruption; the liking for get-rich-quick factor, "sikaduro", underpin the rationality in asserting Ghana as rather unchristian. Almost all Ghanaians to my best of knowledge are mere church-goers. They are indeed far removed from piousness. The land Ghana could though be blessed, the majority of people within are of questionable character. Most of the current crop of Pharisaic priests is guilty of sacrilege, notwithstanding their prowess to genuinely or otherwise conjure miracles. They deprive the poor of their money to live in opulence themselves. Is this act of dragging Christ's name through a stinking mud Christian in nature? I am afraid not. What then is Ghana, in reality? Is it not probably a land of mysterious religious adventurism, hijacked by pretentious prophets? Although a land where a church of some sort is given birth to at each ticking of the clock, the minds of the people are actually far removed from the truth. One needs clarity to help them see reality. A change of attitude is overdue. Do all those engaged in all sorts of nefarious activities not calling themselves Christians, Muslims or religious? Are the pastors not the worse perpetrators of abominable crimes? Are some not defiling children, sleeping with others' wives and taking money off the poor congregants gratuitously? Who is then a Christian after all? By their fruits, you will know them. Can a country full to the brim or overflowing with such evilness be justifiably called Christian without having a lump in the throat? Ghana, to be honest with you, is not a Christian country as supposed. It is a land where people live in ignorance of their faith.

So have I become your enemy by telling you the truth? Galatians 4:16. I am optimistic that all will be well but not without condition. The condition is simply for all Ghanaians to behave religiously. Supposed-Christians must be Christians. Professed-Muslims must be Muslims. Purported idol worshippers must be who and what they truly are. The likes of Kwaku Bronsams should not be encouraged. Those fetish priests who connive with fake pastors by parting with some of their fetish, just to empower the pastors to dupe the public must stop. They go against their own fetish beliefs. They condone and connive to render their fetish religion useless all for the sake of money. What a shame? Ghana is really full of loads of anti-Christian activities to qualify her for Christian. Ghanaians, I entreat you to change your evil ways for the better. Believe you me, Ghana is currently a confused ungodly State made so by the actions of Ghanaians themselves. With focused good intentions, buttressed with perseverance, we can all join hands to rescue Ghana and Ghanaians from all negative attributes.

"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown" If you are going to have an opinion, take it all the way, I say. Is it then Christian for a knowingly nonperforming and highly incompetent MP to re-submit themselves for re-election? And is it Christian or sheer stupidity for the electorates to vote such an MP back to power? Is it religious for the Ghanaian politician to "chop" and scramble for the limited wealth of the nation insatiably, that is, "fuka fuka and waa waa?" Is it right for some of our chiefs and queens to continue to take their subjects for fools? For their humility, the subjects are most often underestimated and their patience taxed by their supposed Christian chief or queen overlords Most Ghanaians are simply carnally minded Christians. It is my fervent prayer that having been confronted with the truth, the pessimists will begin to have hope, and the optimists will continue to grow from strength to strength in their hope. The then unconsciously deceiving non Christians, will become conscious Christians. And people will become persevering until a level of satisfaction is acquired in whatever their aspiration is.

John Fosu, USA ([email protected])