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Opinions of Thursday, 12 February 2015

Columnist: Addo, Maxwell Okamafo

Pestle Wielding Critics of Kwesi Amissah Arthur

By Maxwell Okamafo Addo

There seem to be an army of sponsored and self-appointed anarchists so diverse; many of them don’t even know why or how they should attack the Vice President from. But in the face of severe provocations he’s allowed political maturity to prevail.

Vice President Kwesi Amissah Arthur is an astute politician, he’s a clever, methodical and intelligent man, who is very adept at wrong footing all the persons who make an effort to second-guess or under-estimate him. He understands the game of politics.

As an individual who held the post of deputy finance secretary/minister for ten years (more than two terms of the current dispensation), and being in charge of the central bank during one of the longest period of stability for our currency since independence, it baffles political level-heads why people would want to undermine his political experience.

The good old Prof (May his soul rest in peace) became a victim of similar nefarious activities by some self-made political hawks as a Vice President in the late 90s.President Mahama has received a fair share of such diabolic plots. P.K as some affectionately call him, like the Prof Mills and President Mahama believe in solving the problems of Ghanaians without engaging in any unnecessary controversies that may only detract him from his core mandate.
He is acutely conscious of the historicity of his emergence as Ghana’s No. 2. He knows that he is here as the Vice President for all Ghanaians. He knows that he is a representative of all common persons, especially the less privileged in society.

Here is a man who is an epitome of loyalty and simplicity and that is exactly what he’s doing by complimenting the efforts of President Mahama . For what it’s worth, he has proved himself a worthy and loyal vice to Mahama, earning the accolade as the second most loyal vice president in Ghana.
There are some unrelenting, self-appointed activists, the idle and idling, twittering, collective children of anger; they are a distracted crowd who always want to feed on his name by attaching him to negativity.
Especially a lot of unintelligent people repeating silly clichés and too many intelligent persons wasting their talents lending relevance to thoughtless conclusions when they put things like this out there.
There are cynics, the pestle-wielding critics, the unrelenting, self-appointed activists, the idle and idling, twittering, collective children of anger who are being sponsored to do this.
They criticize him out of ignorance. They abuse him out of mischief. And the opposition is in charge of this
For some days now there has been horse-trading and high-level politicking over who would become the nation’s number two citizen and the chief of staff in the social media and the various newspapers.
But as it is now there is a harmonious working relationship with the new Vice President and the President and they are all enjoying a full cooperation.
The stories of crisis between president and vice president is not true they are working together as a team, so that they project the interest of this country internationally and work with all stakeholders to improve the economy of this country
The Kwesi Amissah Arthur I know has a deep sense of appreciation and will to serve his fatherland well especially knowing the enormous responsibility of the office of the Vice President of the Republic of Ghana and is not unaware of the challenges posed by the dictates of that office and shall surmount such challenges.
I believe his choice by President Mahama to occupy this office is hinged on the belief that he will continue to bring his wealth of experience garnered over the years in the private as well as the public sector, to bear in the discharge of duties and actualization for mother Ghana.
In spite of unforeseen challenges, which this administration has had to contend with, President Mahama and his Vice are doing their utmost best to positively transform Ghana. Ordinary Ghanaians know and appreciate this. Those parading themselves as leaders of the opposition, who claim that the President and Vice are not in good terms and have lost the support of Ghanaians and are not performing are only making noise and represents only themselves and their selfish interests.
The shallow nature of such misinformation could be realized in how such people refuse to know that the ordinary Ghanaian can verify such falsehood, would deduce from the body language of the two gentlemen in public functions (like the 14th Change of Guards ceremony, seeing President Mahama off at the airport and confers with him whenever he travelling outside Ghana.
He also welcomes him back home safely whenever he arrives and there is an unflinching unity between them. What is objective observation to someone who wants to run another down?
The thing about the Amissah Arthur’s critics is that Vice President’s critics are that they just cannot accept that someone with his simplicity can be their Vice President.
This is the Saul Complex. Saul could not accept the fact that somebody as simple as David could be favoured by God. And just like Saul threw the spear at David out of uncontrollable jealousy, these critics are out to throw any kind of spear to see which hits the target, hence all their lies about those who occupy the Presidency.
Let me end by saying that the Vice President is a simple man but simplicity is not naivety. If simplicity were to be naivety, then the world would not be where it is today because it is simple men like Abraham Lincoln, Jimmy Carter Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Kwame Nkrumah, who have shaped the world that we live in by simplifying what others have complicated.
As a people we should stop to those hate mongers listening to the so called Ghanaian opposition politicians, they love to fish in the troubled waters they have never offered any alternative, either in leadership or solution to the problems our country has.
The opposition criticisms about NDC are comprised of personal attacks, not affair assessment of his performance. The fact is that Mahama and Amissah Arthur has our Country headed in the right direction, and it’s not realistic to expect his policies to fix all problems of Ghana in just two years.
Indicators by the all developments agencies have indicated that Ghana is a pillar on the African Continent. We must reject any one trying to rewrite Ghana’s history with lies in their own interest. We don’t owe this to HE Mahama, we owe it to ourselves. Let us give his policies time to bear fruits.