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Opinions of Monday, 7 May 2018

Columnist: Peter Suaka

Peter Suaka writes: The real con man!

Peter Suaka Peter Suaka

"NABCO is nothing new, let the government not pretend it is doing anything new, we have been down this road before. We currently have the NSS which NABCO is just an extension of same; we have the NYEP, LESDEP, GYEEDA, MASLOC etc. The MASLOC module has an ingredient of youth employment. Yes, we have a problem of youth unemployment on our hands but we cannot pretend we have arrived with a solution yet" - Kofi Bentil.

"NABCO is just a stop gap and ad hock measure by this government to create the impression it is doing something about unemployment. It’s a mere political propagandist tool, nothing new and innovative about it..." - Inusah Fusieni.

Mr "Ananse" always thinks he is the most intelligent. That his antics and nuances can be understood by no one else but himself alone.

Mr "Ananse " will simply manufacture a new wine by removing the logo and stamp from an old wine's bottle, replacing it with his own logo and stamp and jumping around with excitement of self-ascribed accolade of being the most innovative in wine manufacturing. This is who the NPP is, THE REAL CON MAN!

NABCO is nothing new, nothing different and nothing innovative. The NPP should stop the noise and rantings and accept they are NOWHERE near the COMPETENCE they have always yelled about. They should stop the too much talk, arrogance and bluster about competence. The real change they promised Ghanaians is yet to happen.

Let Nana Addo return to the Nursing and Teacher Training College campuses today and ask for their impressions about his performance. Ask the nurses whether modules like NABCO were what they voted for in the 2016 election? This is what we mean when we talk about politics of "pretence of competence" and of deception. The NPP is fake and unreal and they must accept it.

Ask the ministry of health and finance the last month they paid the nursing trainee allowance. Ask them the last month they paid the teacher training allowances. Let the ministry of Education tell Ghanaians the fate of teacher trainee allowances now that teacher training colleges are to become satellite University campuses of the public Universities in Ghana. Doesn’t this amount to duplicity and double standards on the restoration of student allowance policy which was a major contributory factor to their win in 2016? This is how fake the NPP is.

The GES just announce the scraping of Computerized School Selection and Placement System (CSSPS) re-entry application policy. The question is what necessitated that?? Why should a Ghanaian (adult or youth) at any point in time be denied re-entry to SHS if he/she is qualified? Doesn’t this amount to restricting access to SHS because it is free? What kind of planning on numbers cannot be done after students are admitted into schools? Isn’t this a contradiction to this same government policy on admissions into the free SHS policy last year? So if my younger sister excelled with a distinction in the 2017 BECE but failed to enter the SHS because of ill health, she will be ineligible to reapply for placement into SHS because the re-entry policy has been scrapped? This is completely absurd and irrational. It is not what the NPP promised Ghanaians and it must be reversed. Ghanaians must reject this.

What was the response of Ghana Health Service and the Association of private health providers when president Nana Addo announced he had settled all their NHIS claims for 2017? We were told the National Identification Cards would be ready November 2017, how many have been distributed so far? Out of the fifty factories the president announced to be ready by December 2017, how many have been established. The vice president and Minister of Special Development Initiatives stated at different forums and platforms that the 1million dollars each for all the MMDAs were ready for disbursement, how many of them have received it so far?

Governance does not end on the paper.

Governance does not end at the level of beautiful policies and slogans. Nice policies must be transformed into practical products for consumption by intended beneficiaries. We know the confidence trickster when we see one. John Peter Amewu should not look far for the real con man. The NPP is the real CON MAN!!