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Opinions of Saturday, 17 October 2015

Columnist: Ali, Prince Justice

Petition For The Disqualification Of Hon. Alijata Sulemana ...

... As National Democratic Congress Parliamentary Aspirant

Post Office Box 5
U. W. R.
The Chairman
Parliamentary Vetting Committee
Sissala East Constituency

The Secretary General
National democratic congress
Dear Sir,
Hon. Alijata Sulemana was sworn into office as a Member of Parliament for the Sissala East Constituency of the Upper West Region on the 7th of January, 2013, on which date, she seized to be a government appointee (District Chief Executive) to the Sisssala East District Assembly.
It is however very sad to note that thirteen(13) months into office as a Member of Parliament , she continued to draw the salary as a government appointee, District Chief Executive of the Sissala East Assembly.
In January 2014, thirteen (13) clear months into her tenure as a member of parliament, she took unearned salary as government appointee with serial number 1000 through Regional coordinating Council as a political appointee with STAFF ID 007720909 through Ghana Commercial Bank, Account number 0021010003807 Tumu Branch. This pre-supposes that she took unearned salaries for the months preceding the month of January, 2014.
For the same period, it stands to reason that Hon. Alijata Sulemana was also drawing her salaries as Member of Parliament for the same period. This I consider as a regular unethical and borders on criminality to the extent that it validate the financial administration act.
Mr. Chairman, it is my considered view that she is unfit and incapable of representing the people of Sissala East in the August House of parliament. It is therefore important for us to take pre-emptive action of stop her from possible becoming the candidate before the our opposition take the advantage of getting her disqualified through some other means at the time that might not be beneficial to us.
I would therefore be much grateful for the sake of our dear party if you disqualify her and treat it as an internal party issue if not I can't stop anybody for taking the necessary legal action to disqualify, persecute and retrieved the unearned salary with interest at the prevailing market rate.
Fellow Akatamansonian
Maani Baluri

1. The Regional Chairman
National Democratic Congress
Upper West Region

2. The Constituency Chairman

National Democratic Congress

Sissala East Constituency

3. The National Chairman
National Democratic Congress