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Opinions of Thursday, 23 June 2016

Columnist: Agyemang, Katakyie Kwame Opoku

Play active role in NPP's imminent victory

There is no doubt that majority of Ghanaians love the NPP. The 8-year performance of the Party under J.A. Kufuor vis-à-vis NDC's abysmal performance for nearly 16 years clearly gives credence to this fact. However, the NDC seems to be ahead of the NPP when it comes to electoral victories. Regrettably, the NPP has not researched into NDC's strategy of winning general elections. If it were in the game of football, I believe a team of scouts could have been sent to monitor the opponent's game plan before their next match.

As I write today, the NPP cannot readily tell us the party's numerical strength. The Party still relies on the Electoral Commission for electoral figures although a lot of money is spent on the training of Polling Agents. It is my hope that the NPP National Executives quickly find a way of getting a proper database for the Party at all the Polling Stations in the country.

Election 2016 poses a great threat to the NPP in the sense that, another defeat to the Party (God forbid though) will be dire for us. It will demotivate people, especially the youth from engaging in partisan politics.

I have also said time and time again that, Election 2016 will be the most crucial one in the annals of Ghana's political history since the advent of the 4th Republic. John Mahama of the NDC, the man who used only 3 months to 'win' Election 2012 would want to prove that he never stole the elections as alleged by the NPP. Nana Akufo-Addo of the NPP, the man who believed was robbed in the last elections would also want to justify why he went to the Supreme Court in 2012.

As a genuine member of the NPP and patriotic citizen, what could you do to help Nana Addo and NPP win power in November? Election, they say, is about numbers. Admittedly, your vote for the NPP is assured. But, the question that needs an urgent answer is; Is your vote enough for NPP's victory in Election 2016?

Personally, I think your vote, my vote, and our votes as NPP members alone won't guarantee us victory. We need to solicit more votes from other Ghanaians, who are not on our side. Remember, the emergence of new political parties - APP, PPP, UFP, etc is not in NPP's favour. We can't even guarantee their votes in the event of a run-off.

The best we could do as party members is not to bark on social media or in the cities. These voters know better than us in terms of whom to give their votes in November. What we need to do is to go to the hinterlands and sell the gospel according to Nana Addo and NPP. We need to visit people in their homes, workshops, churches etc to explain to them why they must choose the NPP over NDC. Failure to do this would make us armchair supporters.

To demonstrate my resolve to kick NDC out this year, I have formed a Voluntary Group called Patriotic Ambassadors for Peace (PAP), with a slogan, "Pinpinaa... Nanaa! Our membership stands at 300 and cuts across all the 10 Regions and abroad. It is fully recognised by the NPP hierarchy, and supervised by Mr. Andrew Frimpong, the NPP Volunteer Coordinator.

So far, we have embarked on series of outreach programmes at Tepa in Ashanti, Wa in Upper West, and Kanvilli in the Northern Regions. We'll hit other constituencies soon and carry on till November 7.

It is my hope that all patriots who want to see a prosperous Ghana under Nana Akufo-Addo and Dr. Bawumia in 2017 join PAP to be used as a vessel of change.

Let's Arise for Change!

God bless Ghana! God bless Nana Akufo-Addo!! God bless Kufuor!!!