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Opinions of Saturday, 4 October 2014

Columnist: Shaban, Abdul Rahman Alfa

Poem: Journalists rise for ‘Justice’ Aku Baneseh

An election loss feud, hurled before the SUPREME COURT

A party’s resolve for LEGAL clarity after an electoral game

There she stood, a journalistic story teller i.e. PETITIONER

In print and online, feeding the avid readers, RESPONDENTS

Fellow journalists filed AFFIDAVITS/ENTRIES, strong & good

But hers came tops after COLLATION FORMS were released

DUPLICATE award that night for politics and court reporting

TRIPLICATE to the above, our 2014 best journalist authored

Completing Graphic’s QUADRUPLICATE swoop that night

KPMG counted pink sheets as did the GJA with submissions

At least with no fear of CONTEMPT, concerns fair and square

In came the OBJECTIONS post Aku’s deserved triumph

Finally, in came the awards panel to OVER RULE them all

With no proof of tampering with PINK SHEETS/AWARDEES

Right indeed were the records on the DECLARATION SHEET

With ADDRESSES full of humility presented on Joy FM SMS

EXHIBITS of her hard work are engraved in the Daily Graphic

No ‘COUNSELS’ however critical, can smear the GJA verdict

Awards PANEL decision, t’was final, t’was right, t’was Aku

A thorough AUDIT of her zeal and deserved accolade

And even post the triumph, Aku’s EXHIBITS aren’t contestable

Moving On Up – ON ON YOU GO!