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Opinions of Saturday, 6 April 2013

Columnist: Okofo-Dartey, Samuel

Poem: The Madness Of Our Time

The world is drunk with civilisation.
But our deeds stink with corruption
Our superior intellect is but a disgrace.
Our progress triggers man made maze,
And now altruism is a glowing rara avis.
Our schemes are soaked with sacrilege
Making humanity a force without leverage.
We spin and toss loosely on a fragile ledge
Knowing not our existence is on the edge.
Nuclear bombs are moulded in a quest
For world peace.
Corruption is shamelessly pursued
By all flesh.
Public nudity is perceived greatly
As the pride of vogue.
We deplete nature’s gratis blessings
Without posterity in mind.
Greed distorts our noble nature
Into a contemptible caricature.
Hmm, my friend, let sanity prevail
Or we perish beyond redemption.
In all your endeavours, my friend, let
The light of propriety purify your hearts.