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Opinions of Saturday, 12 October 2013

Columnist: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame

Poetic Justice (5)

By Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr.

A tragic irony
that is neither
so tragic
nor ironic...
at SUNY-Stonybrook,
they rolled out
a plush
red carpet
to welcome you
with pomp;
you would later,
with disdain,
compose an off-beat
song in return:
it was typical of you,
all right,
the finicky waif...
for treating you
like the prince
you would shortly
turn out
not to deserve,
you composed
an off-beat and
off-color song
of morbid
cursing your kindly
hosts for making you
a sacred cow,
burning bridges
for those to come
after you -
incurable ingrate
that you were,
you wouldn't spare
the ugly urge of
paying back a
pinch of salt
with a bag of
and so
like a blind pig,
you trampled
and spattered
the blood of
Malcolm and
King over
puddles of
your pees -
too full of
yourself and
your own
you refused
to pay homage
to those who had
come and gone
before you,
who had dearly
paved and paid
your passage
with their blood -
ran round-robin
rings around
the names
and memories
of those
on whose
broad backs
you mounted
the coll
and blasted
your horn -
