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Opinions of Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Columnist: Azeko Razak

Political hypocrisy: The consulting room perspectives

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The usual of me, would have been, someone busily prescribing therapeutic medications for my numerous patients in a bid to heal or relieve long standing pain and suffering.

However, I took to this dazzling social media to vent my spleen and communicate to the whole world my role in the next NDC government.

I am tempted to say, the toothache and bioavailability of the "mutism" drug of Prof. Adai and his cohorts are tremendously improving. After, reading a couple of social media reportage of these men, there is no more prudent conclusion than to say, reality is dawning on them.

The good professor is reported to have said the Vice President's convoy is made up of 16 fleets and that he is rehearsing for a one man demonstration against this show of opulence.

In barely 24 hrs, the Office of the Vice President comes out with a statement to set the records straight. Is Bawumia telling me the professor could not do a simple arithmetic of counting luxurious vehicles that drove pass him on the stretch of the road?

Certainly, the professor can't be wrong especially having taken a look at his contributions to academia. I recently counted some 16 fleet of cars and afterwards I had to sip a dose of coffee just to be sure I wasn’t dozing off.

Rev. Amartey's assertion that a large government means large corruption can't be far from the truth. Indeed, it is not rocket science.

The disappointing part is he failed to reecho the names and situations of these monumental corruption cases which are known to the common man on the streets of Ghana.

For the sake of my readers, I hereby list them as follows;

1. Agyako vrs parliament saga
2. Ken Bond
3. BOST contaminated fuel
4. Korle bu saga
5. $20000 flagstaff house bribe to meet the President.
6. MASLOCK saga
7. NSS Saga
8. Bugri Naabu and Otiko Djaba goat saga

I remember a passionate call by the man of God to Ghanaians to give opportunity to wise men to govern us in the heat of the 2016 elections. Nine months down the line, the supposed group of wise men per his assertion comes in with the highest levels of thievery and gross incompetence. Rev. for the sake of your supposed proximity to God, kindly tell him not to send down his son (Jesus) because flit and national sickness superintended by a corrupt government would send innocent souls to hell.

I don't take delight in commenting on sex scandals because of my personal vulnerability to beautiful descendants of Eve. Don't ask me how?

Even Adam who was not exposed to modern gymnastics in the name of romantic sex and did not have a pool of these creatures to choose from, failed the test.

Did I hear Sammy Awuku say the lady in question is insane and so we should go and sleep? Incredible! I chose to stay away from being overly "medicalist" in my submissions but for the avoidance of doubt, Abena Korkor is diagnosed with Bipolar disorder which implies she has two mood swings: elated (anxiety) and depressed mood.

In fact, at no point in any of these mood will you say she has memory problem to warrant her mentioning names of innocent men.

In short, Bipolar is not synonymous to mental degradation.

I am offering myself to this young lady to at least prove a point. I want to let Kojo Yankson know that, I can go beyond 2 minutes and let "her come" whiles I am still on top.

I received a call from a nurse who wanted to know if it was only semen these men deposited into her to warrant GHC2000 and GHC3000. She argues; she wields much gluteal muscles and even distribution of adipose tissues and even has a better facial anatomy. My response was simple-- as an evidence based practitioner, I would have asked for a sample to examine in a laboratory.

The next NDC government would see me acting like the Abronye DC, A Plus, Hon. Ken etc. If you like call me Azeko the bulldozer. My mode of operations is simple-- retrieve all government properties, ensure the removal of all NPP members from offices, employing all our youth first, arresting and throwing to jail all thieves, providing resources to our party security details among others. However, I will not renege on my quest to report any corrupt official and appointee who is arrogant and shows distinction between party and government. In fact, grandiosity won't be tolerated and a strong force would be summoned to militate it at all fronts.

Long live Ghana
Long live NDC

Azeko Razak