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Opinions of Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Columnist: Abdulai, Alhasan

Political parties must pursue “alternative developmenat agenda”

for ghana

The primary aim of political parties the world over is to vie for political power needed for the running of their economies and state machinery.
During campaigns for power, every four years in Ghana, parties do run around raising funds to pursue their presidential and parliamentary ambitions.
However, the time has come for us to raise the bar of partisanship above mere pursuit of power and the attacks of political opponents. In this respect, I dorf my hat to salute some top Ghanaian politicians including Dr Tony Aidoo a staunch member of the NDC for his decision to stay clear from political hostility. Good show … it is my belief that he would win over a lot of people across the political divide to follow his footsteps by refraining political atrocities to pursue alternative development agenda.
in line with this emerging trend, all political players must work together to salvage the nation. As the Asantenhene Otunfuor Osei Tutu the second said in his recent NCCE sponsored democracy lecture in Accra, Ghana is one nation, one people, with a common destiny. The nation therefore deserves more improved political activists that promote unity and orderly development. My checks have shown that this statement by the otumfuor has gone down well with all well meaning Ghanaians.
In and out of power, Parties must pursue Alternative Development Agenda to help reduce or alleviate the suffering of the people. The situation when politicians visit their people regularly only in four years in pursuit of power is not proper. Even though they are law makers, the MPs and their political parties are also considered as agents of change and development. Political leaders must show interest in development agenda by creating a fund for the purpose developing their backyards.
It is advisable for political parties and their members to make conscious efforts to visit their people regularly with the view to engaging in advocacy and exchange of ideas with the electorates and to provide assistance to the needy institutions and individuals. A little bit of this is being done by some MPs themselves and through the MPs common fund and other governmental interventions, but we would achieve more if the parties themselves offer additional assistance themselves. If this proposal is well planned the political parties could raise funds through the telecom companies and other corporate bodies as they do during elections to pursue this noble cause.
It is well known that when the exercise of vying for power is over, it is the responsibility of the victorious political parties to fulfill their campaign pledges but these are often difficult to achieve leaving many people disappointed.
It is therefore incumbent on all well meaning citizens including political parties and their followers to put their hands to the wheel in nation building.
In this respect, some civil societies, religious organizations, private companies who have been assisting the people for many years now must be commended.
They have set up and are running schools, hospitals. They are supporting the less endowed in the societies in support of government efforts. However there are many other institutions and individuals that need help in the areas of health, water supply, education, housing and clothing.
It is our desire for political parties to be up and doing. As contenders for power in future they must put their hands to the wheel to assist people and institutions in the society. The political parties must know that another cycle of campaign begins after a presidential and parliamentary election that takes place every four years.
At the moment the nation is grappling with the problem of frequent fire out breaks in our markets and industries.
As published and shown on televisions networks in the country, some communities are struggling to get some dilapidated schools, clinics and hospitals rehabilitated.
The situation is so serious that the some hospital clinics and the school for the deaf at aburi risk being closed down for lack of food supplies and other vital amenities.

A critical research and survey around the country would reveal that there are many problems that can be solved by the political parties working in tandem with government institutions and the corporate world.

The manifestoes of The ruling National Democratic Congress, the New Patriotic Party, Convention People’s Party , Peoples National Convention, Progressive peoples Party and the independent candidates and followers reveal clearly that they all mean well for Ghana. It is advisable for them to team up with the civil societies and religious bodies to redirect their energies to raise funds to get to work. Perhaps their efforts in donating food, clothing and funds to needy people and organizations may yield dividends by winning for them the sympathy of the voters in future elections.
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