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Opinions of Friday, 11 December 2020

Columnist: Dr. Edward Bam

Politicians should not burn the yam barn because they are hungry

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The declaration of the 2020 election seems delayed following the Electoral Commission's ill-advised declaration timetable. However, the EC, following the visit by the clergy and members of the National Peace Council, which not many Ghanaians do not have faith in these days, have tried to calm Ghanaians' trepidations.

Even a very well-intentioned move by an untrusted party could spell doom for our country during this time. Therefore, I suggest that those who only care when they feel their opulence positions are vulnerable should be careful not to give the wrong signals to the public.

Wisdom suggests that the NCCE, the Peace Council and the respectable clergy stay calm and not be engaged in unwarranted negotiations, which may be misinterpreted as an attempt to coerce a losing candidate to accept defeat; the media should stop putting inflammatory and suggestive headlines that could fuel passions.

To the formidable presidential candidates, do not set ablaze the yam barn because they are hungry today. It barn may burn, and you may eat to your full today, but hunger never goes away.

Whoever wins must understand that Ghanaians are tired of thievery and the covering up of ills in government. We have one country which we must preserve for tomorrow.

Long live Ghana!

Writer: Dr. Edward Bam, Ph.D. Research Fellow at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

Email: [email protected]