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Opinions of Monday, 6 July 2009

Columnist: MP

Politics In Ghana Stinks

Ghana's politics is in need of euthanasia, because it has being diagnosed with a terminal disease called bureaucratic favouritism which is slowly, but surely dragging the country into the very abyss of insanity and corruption. For those who don't know what the term bureaucratic favouritism means and does, I shall elaborate. Bureaucratic favouritism which is also known as inclusion by exclusion, is a dirty game played by some members of the bureaucracy, with the intent of singling out one or more innocent individuals from within their own league and falsely accuse or even frame this particular person/s of a wrongful act/c, especially act/s which involves the embezzlement of government's money, when they themselves know this accusation to be totally false and untrue.

And when and if they succeed in this plot, the group behind the plot would get the necessary trust and respect from their senior bureaucratic peers for exposing corruption, who would in turn reward them by elevating their bureaucratic status to where their names and reputation would never be brought into dispute, no matter what. One thing we need to understand is that, those who play this deliberate game of eliminating others by false incrimination and accusation are thieves and dishonest men/women, who turn against the most honest individuals amongst them, so they could claim the position/s of these falsely accused and framed individuals, once they get fired, and steal in peace without having to worry about anything or anyone.

The case against Minister of Youth and Sports, Alhaji Mohammed Muntaka Mubarak, coupled to the political witch-hunt and persecution of both the members and ministers of the previous NPP administration, are all clear indicators of how and what these ambitious under cover political thieves would both do and go to win the favour/s of their superiors, because the more they indict others of corruption or even similar acts of it, the more they could remain corrupt, without drawing any unnecessary attention to themselves, in other words, it is safe to steal when there are no eyes on you, but on others and this exactly what they are doing and would continue to do unfortunately. And we could talk about transparency this and that, accountability here and there or even responsibility all we want, but to a thief honesty is foolishness.

The country's lack of a basic address system, is what perfectly portrays Ghana's politics, in other words, the country's politics lacks transparent organization or let's say check and balance. You see a country which lacks an address system, has citizens who are more or less scattered like sheeps and therefore the government never manages to tell who from what, let alone where who or what resides. And because of this, when an accidents befalls somebody, it takes forever before the victim is reached by an ambulance and that is if they manage to get to victim at all.

And in the case of our nation's politics, when politicians embezzle state funds or even abuse their positions, unless the party which they are affiliated to, if in power, gets voted out by the electorate, nobody would ever find out about their secret misconducts and even if somebody finds out about them, it's always too late do anything about them, because either documents or files which might contain incriminating evidence against them, with a exception of a few, would've been destroyed already without a trace, thusly leaving men with an accusation which cannot be substantiated with facts and without facts, speculations would never put a man or woman in jail, even if they are guilty of the alleged crime.

And the sad thing is, even if a politician or minister of a certain political party is found guilty of a certain crime and gets sentenced to jail, instead of allowing this particular person to serve out his/her time, an outgoing president could simply pardon this particular person, with an deliberate intent of avoiding any political vendetta, either against this exiting president or members of his/her administration from an entering government, thusly continuing the circle of bureaucratic favouritism, in which honesty is a word resigned, because everybody who knows anybody in the political arena is so untrue.