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Opinions of Thursday, 10 September 2015

Columnist: Alhaji Alhasan Abdulai

Positive disobedience in the US over same sex marriage

Opinion Opinion

Kim Davis is a clerk in Kentucky USA who lived up to her religious vow by refusing to endorse same sex marriages. For her stand she suffered a brief jail term for refusing to give marriage certificates to same sex married couples. She has now been released and asked to go back to work and all that is expected of her. Though she was punished for her stand she has set an example and spoken loudly for all those who still feel that same sex relationships is not right. Apart from the groups of Christians who supported her action, many Muslims and non Muslims across the world are behind her.

Everyone knows that all generations of the world developed through procreation through relations between men and women. It is therefore wrong for sections of the world to opt to change things by promoting marriage between same sexes. Although the governments of developed nations including the United States of America have legalized same sex marriages there are some men and women in the United States who are still fighting against same sex marriages.

Same-sex marriage
Same-sex marriage, also known as gay marriage, is marriage between people of the same sex, either as a secular civil ceremony or in a religious setting.
Same-sex unions are recorded in the history of a number of cultures, but marriage or similarly formalized same-sex unions were rare or nonexistent in other cultures. The first law providing for marriage of people of the same sex in modern times was enacted in 2001 in the Netherlands. As of 26 June 2015, eighteen countries (Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom,[nb 4] the United States and Uruguay) and certain sub-jurisdictions allow same-sex couples to marry. Similar laws in Finland, Ireland and Slovenia are not yet in force. Polls show rising support for legally recognizing same-sex marriage in the Americas, Australia, and most of Europe. However, with the exception of South Africa and Israel, no country in Africa or Asia recognizes same-sex marriage.

Introduction of same-sex marriage laws has varied by jurisdiction, being variously accomplished through legislative change to marriage laws, a court ruling based on constitutional guarantees of equality, or by direct popular vote (via ballot initiative or referendum). The recognition of same-sex marriage is a political and social issue, and also a religious issue in many countries and debates continue to arise over whether people in same-sex relationships should be allowed marriage or some similar status (a civil union).

Various faith communities around the world support allowing those of the same sex to marry, while many major religions oppose same-sex marriage. Opponents of same-sex marriages have argued that recognition of same-sex marriages would erode religious freedoms and undermine a right of children to be raised by their biological mother and father. Although the United States and other nations have legalized same sex marriages most African nations are finding it difficult to go along with this move.

The regions organizations in Africa do not also wish to support their branches in Europe and America on the issues of same sex marriages. it is advisable for the governments in Africa to remain as they are regarding same sex marriage working on the same page with their religious groupings.

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