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Opinions of Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Power de Sweet Rawlings na Same Power go Kill'am Abi?

"There is the slightest truth in every rumour". Could the propagation of the news doing rounds in the media about Nana Agyemang Konadu Rawlings nurturing presidential ambitions be any different? No. There is an established element of truth however negligible it may be. Is Herbert Kwabena Amponsah Mensah having an out of wedlock child with Former President Rawlings' eldest daughter the figment of the propagators' imagination? No way, when following the logic of the proverb. The dictum, "there is no smoke without fire" may well justify the suspicion many Ghanaians have about the actions and reactions of the above mentioned persons, especially, Herbert Mensah. Will the saying, "Action speaks louder than words" not further and better explain the undisclosed intentions, secret activities, and anticipations or aspirations of same mentioned persons?

It is just unfortunate that for the sake of "stomach politics", quest for power and fame, desire for achieving other hidden agenda, people are not ready to tell the truth or behave themselves responsibly as they should. I can hardly understand what good it does to the Rawlingses for portraying themselves as the only strong family in Ghana with not only the technical know-how to govern but to whom all must associate as subordinates. Their belief is every Ghanaian must prostrate or kowtow to even their penumbra when one happens to come into contact with it. The Rawlingses have become the focus of the media attention all for the bad reasons with the attendant public insults unceasingly heaped on them. I feel ashamed for them.

It is just unfortunate that these parents lack the faculty of discerning. They are simply self-serving in all their attitudes without the least consideration for their own children. The repercussions of their self-centred actions on their own children are psychologically and mentally tormenting. The quest for power has consumed the mind, soul and body of Mr. Rawlings same as cancer can consume the body of a person to speed up their death. What else do they want after exercising autocratic powers in Ghana for nineteen solid years? As curiosity kills the cat, so will ostentation, arrogance, and greediness kill Rawlings.

Regrettably, Rawlings finds succour and solace in his association with like-minded self-serving guys. These guys for their selfish interest and aspirations will always tell Mr. Rawlings what he wants to hear but not what he truthfully needs to hear. I will rather tell him and his wife what they need to hear. Mr & Mrs Rawlings, consider yourselves a spent force, history I should say. Never again shall you rule Ghana. The day you will understand and do as I have just said, the better it will be for you, your family, and the entire nation.

For the sake of that alleged grandchild of yours who is Herbert Mensah's child, I shall from today forward offer you useful advice. Withdraw from active politics if you really desire to be respected and accorded the title of "The father of the Nation" Herbert, don't push "aseo" too much just for the secret motive of satisfying your selfish interest. Note that he is a tired neighing horse that needs some rest.

Rockson Adofo .