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Opinions of Friday, 18 June 2021

Columnist: Waterz Yidana

President Kufour should apologise

Ex-President of Ghana, Mr. John Agyekum Kufuor Ex-President of Ghana, Mr. John Agyekum Kufuor

Dr. Kwame Nkrumah is a god we need to be worshipping every day. I'm so embarrassed on behalf of President Kufour for talking down on President Kwame Nkrumah's legacy.

He, Kufour, is someone I respect because of his calm nature and how he never really responded to President Rawlings' numerous attacks on his person. But to now publicly say that President Nkrumah lacks vision, I find that preposterous and have taken it as "a hate speech". Yes, "hate speech"....

You may not like Dr. Nkrumah--- that's fine, but you can't deny the fact that he has been the greatest African leader in the last 100 years or century.

He inspires countless freedom fighters on the continent of Africa and brings so much development to Ghana and other African countries. His achievements are too many to count, so why not respect his legacy even if you do not like him? Let's put politics aside, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah is a god....

He is one of the most gifted and popular guys or world leaders, just like Marcus Garvey, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Che Guevara, Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela, Wole Soyinka, Thomas Sankara, Patrice Lumumba and many other freedom fighters...

He isn't only a guru in leadership, he has also written several books on colonialism and neo-colonialism and also about African unity which makes him one of the rare intellectuals on the African continent. Read his books and you'll know that he is far ahead of his time and is incomparable.

No matter your hatred for him, you must still accept the fact that he is different from the rest of his contemporaries. The man is an inspiration to every African. Take it or leave it.

We still benefit immensely from many of his developmental projects and let me just remind you of a few.

"- University Of Cape Coast (UCC)
- Ghana National College, Cape Coast
- Mfantsiman Girls' SHS
- Winneba secondary school
- Apam Secondary School
- Swedru Secondary School (SWESCO)
- Fosu Training College
- Ofori Panyin Secondary School
- Techiman Secondary School
- Dormaa Secondary School
- Tema Secondary School
- Oda Secondary School
- Labone Secondary School
- Kwadaso College of Education
- Atebubu Training College
- Berekum Training College
- Enchi Training College

- Turned University College of Gold Coast into University of Ghana (He became their first chancellor)
- Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)
- Institute of African Studies
- Kwame Nkrumah Institute of Economics and Political Science(now south campus of UEW)
- Ajumako School of Languages(now under UEW)
- Kumasi Technical Institute (now a University)
- Accra Polytechnic(now Accra Technical University)
- Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital(previously Kumasi central hospital)
- He made Korle Bu a teaching hospital and expanded its capacity by constructing the Medical, Maternity, Surgical and Child Health blocks
- He established the Ghana Medical School
- He made Medical care free to all citizens
- He established GIHOC pharmaceuticals
- He also built several hospitals and clinics

- Abosso Glass Factory
- Zuarungu Meat Factory
- Wenchi Tomato Factory
- Kade Match Factory
- Akosombo Textiles Limited
- Kumasi Shoe Factory
- Pwalugu Tomato Factory
- Asutuare Sugar Factory
- Komenda Sugar Factory
- Kumasi Jute Factory
-Nsawam Cannery, Brick and Tile Factory
- Tarkwa Bonsa Tyre Factory
- Bolgatanga Meat Processing Factory
- Bolgatanga Rice Mill Factory
- GIHOC Fibre Products Company
- Ghana Black Star Line with almost 15 ships

- Bank of Ghana (BoG)
- Ghana Commercial Bank (GCB)
- Agricultural Development Bank (ADB)
- National Investment Bank (NIB)
- State Insurance Company (SIC)
-Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT)
- Ghana Oil Company (GOIL)
- Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GHAPOHA)
- Tema Oil Refinery (TOR)
- The National Management and Productivity Institute

- Ghana Film Industries, Accra
-Ghana Airways Corporation
- Ghana National Trading Corporation
- Cocoa Marketing Board (COCOBOD)
- Tema Steel Works
- Volta Aluminium Company
- State Housing and Hotel Projects
- Labone Estate
- Kanda Estates
- Osu Ringway Estates
- Airport Residential Area
- Patasi Estate
- Kwadaso Estate
- Buokrom Estates
- North and South Suntreso
- Tema Township(Communities)

- Star Hotel
- Meridian Hotel
- Ambassador Hotel
-Continental Hotel now Golden Tulip Accra
-Atlantic Hotel
- City Hotel Catering Rest Houses now Golden Tulip Kumasi
- Peduase Lodge
- Ghana Film Corporation
- Ghana News Agency
- Ghana Broadcasting Corporation
- Atomic Reactor Station
- Akosombo Dam
- Restructured the British Military base into Accra (now Kotoka) International Airport
- Tema Motorway
- Tema Harbour
- Adomi Bridge
- State Farms and Institutes"....

So how can one claim that the man is visionless with all of these projects he has done or achieved for us? We need to worship and celebrate him every day.

Ask yourself why is he a co-President in Guinea? It is because of his visionary ideas which have helped not only Ghana, but the entire continent. Give respect to whom respect is due.....