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Opinions of Thursday, 6 December 2012

Columnist: Jackson, Margaret

President Mahama Finally Takes On Akufo-Addo

By Margaret Jackson

December 4, 2012

Many Ghanaians had been waiting patiently to see the day that President John Mahama will take bully Akufo-Addo by the horn and tell him who he really is. This is because Akufo-Addo had been faking his character traits everywhere he goes. But in politics you need to frame the character trait of your opponent and leave voters to decide whether to go with your opponent or to go with you.

The day finally came and Ghanaians had the luxury of hearing President Mahama frame Akufo-Addo in the way that best depicts his peculiarity. And he got it right or I will say he was spot on.

Addressing NDC supporters at a rally in the Volta Region, Mahama stated emphatically that, “We don’t want a leader who won’t listen to the people, we don’t want a leader who would not unite the people but discriminate amongst them, we don’t want a violent leader who would shed blood for elections, what we need is a peaceful leader and above all a leader who will bring Ghanaians together.

President Mahama also dived deep into the political sea when he told the gathering that Ghana does not need an impatient and arrogant leader who will divide the nation. “Let me say that at this stage in Ghana’s history the question we must ask ourselves is that what kind of leader we want. We don’t want an arrogant and an impatient leader”, he solidly added.

He then urged Ghanaians to vote for a presidential candidate who is trustworthy, respectful, patient, peaceful and humble when they exercise their franchise on Friday. This is the kind of Ayari-Punch that many voters have been waiting to hear from President Mahama. Everybody knows that Akufo-Addo is an unrepentant arrogant old man who shows his arrogance and pomposity wherever he goes and in everything he does.

Therefore, it is extremely important for President Mahama to let voters know so that they will make their own informed decisions as to whether they would vote for him or Akufo-Addo. Ghana does not need a divider but a unifier. We need somebody who will not come and chase people around because they belong to a certain party or group.

In this time in our history, voting for a leader who will want others to spill their blood for him to descend the helm of affairs is not something that we don’t want. Therefore, President Mahama should not stop there. It should not be a one-time Ayari-Punch, but he should continue to hammer Akufo-Addo on the character issue.

This year’s election is all about character. Character matters, just as your vote matter. Forget about all other things for now; because the character of the leader we elect on Friday will largely go on to frame or shape the overall direction of the country. That is why President Mahama has to close well by distinguishing himself totally from Akufo-Addo who when you take away his big, big promises has nothing to show in terms of achievements. Did you hear Akufo-Addo talking about Kufuor’s achievements instead of what he achieved when he served under Kufuor’s government? [email protected]