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Opinions of Thursday, 10 July 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

President Mahama Is Doomed!

When you tell the truth as it is, you are often tagged for being a doomsayer. If that is so, then I wish to be a perpetual doomsayer, if not a soothsayer. President “Yen ntie obiara” Mahama has honestly speaking, collapsed the economy of Ghana through his conspicuous acts of incompetence and prolific institutional corruption.

What can we praise President Mahama for, if one happens to not be his crony, family member or an NDC/NPP folk on his “gang, create and loot” payroll? Anyone in that category can heap praises on President Mahama for enabling them to live fat or ostentatiously at the expense of the suffering poor Ghanaian masses. All those outside that clique of Mahama sycophants have nothing good to say about the President despite his plea to Ghanaians to talk more about his positive achievements than his failures.

Many Ghanaians do not see any positive achievement by President Mahama. Even if there are any, they pale to nothing compared with his numerously established acts of ruinous corruption. Being that myopic to feeling insecure in his position gained through election malpractices, he has reassured himself of his position by surrounding himself with his tribesmen. By continually being incompetent will not save him despite offering almost all government posts to his tribesmen. His practice of nepotism and selective justice will be of no help towards his aspirations to court the respect and love of Ghanaians.

Ghana as a country and a people are at the brink of total economic collapse. We are on a precipice of financial meltdown. A little push from anyone will send us hurtling down the abyss of chaos yet, President Mahama requires Ghanaians to praise him by recognizing his positive achievements. Unless he shows us those achievements that we can ascertain their veracity through physical checks, his mere mentioning of them will not wash.

Many a time have the rented NDC radio phone-in serial callers failed to precise where the supposed infrastructural developments by President Mahama’s NDC government are. When challenged, they promise to come back later with further information which they never do. Talk is cheap, so the adage goes. President Mahama should not expect Ghanaians to continue to remain stupid by taking in whatever he tells us without subjecting it to scrutiny.

I can’t truly get my head around why he feels it more appropriate to surround himself with complete thieves. President Mahama, a carnal-minded Christian, is to be mindful of the saying, “no condition is permanent” and that there is a time for everything as stated at Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8.

With all his obvious maladministration, he cherishes the hope of being re-elected come Election 2016. It will be over the dead body of God the Creator of all things. God will punish him severely if he tries to cheat Him as he did in 2012. The problems he is facing governing Ghana are signs of worse things to happen to him if he dare make God a liar for the second time.

Ghanaians, I call on you to help President Mahama to not continue to make God a liar by not partaking his evil ways. Don’t involve yourselves in his corruption. Don’t become a conduit for him to rig elections. Tell him what he should hear but not what he wants to hear.

Ghanaians are crying for a Saviour to save them from the hardships President Mahama has negligently or otherwise, brought to bear upon them.

He had better resign from office now! Does he not see himself as a square peg wobbling in a round hole or the vice versa? The Atuguba’s Supreme Court, Afari Gyan’s Electoral Commission and the alleged Asantehene’s last minute intervention to overturn the Election 2012 presidential verdict have not done John Mahama any big favour. Their various actions have brought doom upon him and upon Ghana.

The soothsayer who doubles as the doomsayer has spoken. President Mahama is doomed!

I dedicate this article to Mr Kofi Basoah of Asante-Juaben. Kofi, your dreams will come to pass. Keep up the faith.

Rockson Adofo