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Opinions of Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

President Mahama & NDC have failed Ghana, Period!


From all angles of empirical observations, any discerning Ghanaian of integrity will declare without mincing words that President Mahama NDC-led government has failed Ghana totally.


With the current spate of criticisms of his government by those that had kept their silence until now, President Mahama should note that his squeaking gravy "Ede bii keke" train is screeching to a halt.

As it is an established fact that "when things fall apart the centre cannot hold", so will President Mahama, his government and his bandwagon of paid propagandists crumble sooner in the midst of umpteen criticisms of his failure.


The art of successful governance is not by organising one group of people within the nation against others. It is not about paying a group of individuals to persistently lie to the citizenries with the intention of propping the leader’s position. It is not about persistently slurring and undermining your rival through dissemination of falsehoods about him or her.


However, the above stated negativities, very antagonistic to credible governance, are the flagship policies vigorously in pursuit by the Mahama-led NDC government. Is it any wonder that the economy of the country is in nosedive to the astonishment of many an intelligent Ghanaian or the poor masses? The Cedi is galloping like a zebra with a hunting pride of lions at her heels without any sign of rescue in sight.

When you vilely avail yourself of something that does neither belong to you nor assigned to you, then do not moan when things start to go pear-shaped on you. Any God-fearing Ghanaian would confess loudly in the valleys and over the mountains that then Presidential candidate Mahama upon abusing his incumbency, using the entire Ghana money as if it was some gain from his personal sweat, did not win Election 2012.


Nonetheless, the current Ghanaian self-styled "illuminates" (persons who have or claim to have special enlightenment) with their hidden objective of binding the majority of Ghanaians in psychological shackles of slavery, rigged the elections for then Presidential candidate John Dramani Mahama.


Even though he may not be ordained by God to rule Ghana, he went about proclaiming that God appointed him President over Ghana. We live to see and judge if God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth and all things therein, both visible and invisible, indeed appointed him President over Ghanaians.


I see President Mahama as having failed Ghanaians in his attempts to execute his "Better Ghana Agenda" Yes, some within NDC see him as a success story because they have gained a lot and still stand to gain financially from the stark incompetence of President Mahama’s administration. Oh, what a perfect scenario of a square peg wobbling in a round hole.


The rate that Ghanaians are expressing their anger, condemning President Mahama, is a sign that they want him out. They feel let down by him and the NDC.


Ghana as a ship on the high seas is completely rudderless with Mahama at the helm. This is both the expressed and silent view of all intelligent Ghanaians, whether poor or rich.



Please President Mahama, throw in the towel, a sign of defeat, without further messing around with the economy of Ghana. Do not continue to be deceived by the NDC propaganda machine.


A word to the wise is sufficient.


Rockson Adofo