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Opinions of Friday, 15 April 2011

Columnist: GNA

President Mills counsels students to focus on their books

Kumasi, April 15, GNA - President John Evans Atta Mills has rounded off his three-day working visit to the Ashanti Region with a call on students to focus on their studies to acquire the requisite skills for their own development.

They should stay away from acts of indiscipline against school authorities, which are likely to put to waste the huge investment made by both parents and government.

President Mills, inaugurating a block of 12 classrooms for the Saint Louis Senior High School (SHS) in Kumasi reminded them that as future leaders they were expected to show greater responsibility in their conduct.

He commended the founding fathers of the school for their vision, noting that, since its establishment, it had turned it out many products in all sectors of the economy. President Mills encouraged the Board and Management to keep up the good job they were doing.

He said it should not be lost on anybody the importance of education, adding that, the government through the Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund) would continue to commit more resources to upgrade school facilities and construct additional classrooms. Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) funded the GH¢290,000.00 classroom pr= oject. Mr Samuel Sarpong, the Metropolitan Chief Executive, said creating the right atmosphere for smooth academic work was a priority of the assembly. 15 April 11