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Opinions of Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

President Mills is not Incompetent but Unhealthy

From the very inception of Professor Mills becoming the President of the Republic of Ghana; his health has become a topic of public discussion. From empirical observations, one can conclusively assert based on the performance of President Mills that his health is negatively affecting him and Ghana.

For his own sake, he should not have contested the elections to become the President of Ghana in the first place. On the other hand, if he had not, would he still be alive? Could he have raised sufficient funds to travel long distances to foreign lands to seek medical assistance and to attend routine medical check-ups? The answer is no. What then a dilemma he faces?

If you are not healthy, you will not have enough energy to expend on many things regardless how important they may be. You will have to overlook them no matter how important they are. This is exactly what President Mills is doing. As a concentrated mind is never divided so is, a divided mind never concentrated. If President Mills involves himself strenuously dutifully in the functions of his office as is expected of him, he will die in no time. This is the more reason why he has decided to sit in the rear seat of the vehicle of nation governance instead of being in the driver's seat with his hands on the steering wheel as it is Constitutionally required of him.

He is therefore probably competent but his health is militating against the effective performance of his duties as the President of Ghana. Should he go shouting at any Tom, Dick and Harry usurping his Executive powers, he will suffer shortness of breath, collapse and die. He has decided the best thing to do is to be very nonchalant about whatever goes on in his administration and in Ghana. He therefore does not care if the Ahwoi brothers, Alex Segbefia, Carl Wilson or Koku Anyidoho will usurp his Executive powers or not. This seeming incapacitation of the President has allowed the NDC hoodlums a field day to make unprecedented gargantuan money through fraud.

For issues of his bad health, I strongly admonish him to resign his post. Ghana needs a physically fit and mentally sound person to run the affairs of the nation. President Mills should not allow those NDC "Greedy bastards" that are selfishly pursuing their own dubious agenda to push around for their own questionable sake.

I call on the elders of Ekumfi in the Central Region - President Mills' place of birth, to advise their precious Son of the Soil to reconsider his position as the President of Ghana in terms of his fast deteriorating health. Even a fool can tell from a distance that President Mills is unhealthy. He should not place untold hardships on his health. Unless he desires to become a sacrificial lamb for the NDC but not for Ghana, he can continue to linger in office, hallucinating and hoping to be re-elected come December 7, 2012.

If President Mills were a leader of any of the civilized Western world, they would have elbowed him out of office long ago.

A word to the wise is sufficient.

Rockson Adofo