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Opinions of Saturday, 8 May 2021

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

President to sack these corrupt police officers

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

This is one of the moments for President Nana Akufo-Addo to show to the nation and the world that he is a man of mettle. He is to show to the nation that he really means business about fighting official corruption in Ghana.

If this publication has not come too late, and that the police officers involved in the said corruption are still in the force, then he had better personally not only supervise their removal from service but their prosecution and conviction.

This publication has to do with a video just forwarded to my WhatsApp wall. It is showing Captain Smart of Angel FM on post, prior to his suspension, showing a recorded evidence of police bosses in Techiman involving themselves in despicable acts of corruption. Police bosses paid by the government with taxpayers’ money to protect lives and prevent crimes are themselves rather encouraging the perpetration and perpetuation of such criminal acts. Shame though!

Armed robberies, murders and kidnappings are rife in the country as I write according to the information coming out on the news. Almost a week does not pass by in Ghana without us hearing or reading about an incident of murder or armed robbery taking place. Such incidents are making the country unsafe for peoples’ life. Therefore, the government must not take it kindly to reported cases of such crimes committed by men and women in police uniform contrary to the terms of their employment.

If the police officers have indeed done as is reported, then the president must himself summon the Inspector General of Police to his office and inquire what action he has taken since the incident became public knowledge.

It is not only shameful but criminal for police officers to abet a crime.

How I hope this case would not be pushed under the carpet as it was with the double salary involving some so-called honourable Members of Parliament who have now become thorns in the flesh of the president.

We are all for fighting official corruption, the bane of Ghana’s economic development. Therefore, if it becomes clear with the provision of permissible, acceptable and credible recorded evidence of an incident of a crime taking place, it has only to be seriously investigated and prosecuted.

The ball is now rolling and bouncing in the court of the president. All eyes are watching how he will deal with it if the IGP has not already investigated and sacked the mentioned police heads.

This article is written based on the content of the underlying video where some four junior police officers have been punished by their bosses with transfer from Techiman when they refused to let go some criminals they had intercepted on two separate occasions dealing in banned goods or committing crimes. Their bosses rather set the criminals free to go and continue with committing their crimes as and when they wanted.

I hope COP Nathan Kofi Boakye will not be defending this level of police corruption as he was once seen defending the disgraceful police corruption of taking bribes on the roads from motorists.

So it is true that some of our police officers are criminals of all sorts hence not worth being in police uniform and not meriting to be called policemen and women.