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Opinions of Sunday, 30 March 2014

Columnist: Yawose, John

Presidential sash and chain: are NDC wrong?

Are NPP right?

Kufuor/NPP seem to be above NDC in thoughts and vision.

All Kufuor/NPP actions are misinterpreted by NDC for propaganda purposes. NDC made fun of Kufuor’s decision to build the Jubilee House and rebuild Peduasi Lodge NDC made fun of NPP decision to establish National Health Insurance Scheme NDC made fun of Northern Development Scheme and implementation of FCUBE proposals by NPP. NDC made fun of Free SHS idea floated by NPP.

With time NDC have come to appreciate the wisdom in all these NPP initiatives only that hardhearted as they are, NDC have no space in their hearts to apologise for their wanton silliness in criticizing/opposing these noble ideas.

Up till today NDC still don’t see why Kufuor acquired gold chain and SASH for the Presidency in 2008.They still deceive the people, that Kufuor bought gold chains and sash for himself making fun of the picture::: *

At ECOWAS and AU meetings, all the Heads of State are seen in pictures in session decorated with special SASH and chains as distinguishing features of their nation’s Presidency. Ghana’s President is always bare. Why isGhana always alone and the odd one out on such occasions? Even the various African Parliamentary Speakers, in their full working regalia have SASH/CHAIN distinguishing features. I invite Ghanaians to observe the on-going Abidjan ECOWAS conference carefully on 29th/30thMarch 2014 and confirm or not what I have said from television pictures.

As usual NDC will see the light one day and provide Ghana’s Presidency with SASH/CHAIN distinguishing features and NPP will gladly accept it. AS THE SAYING GOES, SUCCESS DEPENDS ON ONE PARTY ALWAYS ACTING A FOOL. NPP seem to be acting the fool to get Ghana going. They take all the taunts. They make the sacrifices. Check this out with Free SHS, Jubilee House, Northern Development Authority, NHIS, in our very recent political spectrum.

For instance, the main reason why the progressive scheme of National Identification started by Kufuor’s administration in 2006 has not been successful in Ghana is that NDC are not fully disposed towards the idea. The whole approach by NDC towards the scheme is lackadaisical and pure sabotage. But they explain the standstill away with lack of funds. On the contrary, NDC enthusiastically voted scarce public funds to do National Registration of SIM cards- putting the cart before the horse. Of course, we are told by the myopic NDC government that the SIM registration exercise is going to be repeated all over because of serious flaws in identification problems. Meanwhile important and revolutionary National Identification Exercise, a prerequisite for all types and forms of citizen’s registration has been in the limbo since 2006. And the ruling NDC government still sees nothing wrong with it. NDC just seem not to care because they sense that their electoral fortunes will change if the exercise is fully completed. So out of NDC self interest Ghana must continue to wallow in arbitrariness and disorder. The day National Identification is fully embraced by NDC, the exercise will be successful. Much damage would have been already done to Ghana economically, psychologically and emotionally.

Similarly, our electoral processes will be totally streamlined if and if only NDC are fully committed to free and fair elections. Nobody is deceived by the wild antics of NDC that they are committed to free and fair elections in Ghana. NDC thrive in the disorderly arrangements of crude national identification. EC is not the problem. NDC are the problem. They have frustrated National Identification Order since 1992. Ghana’s problems are simply NDC. Check out with the issue of the Presidential sash/chain, are NDC wrong, are NPP right? Posterity will judge.

John Yawose