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Opinions of Thursday, 16 October 2003

Columnist: Aidoo, Prince Junior

Prez. Kufuor remove the "Indemnity Clause" or we will

Only the “Truth” shall set Ghanaians free from oppression and nepotism; and ye shall not deny this.

A country full of “Lies” has a million miles to go with a heavy load on his head and shall never wonder why the journey seems to be long and too heavy.

The new African is crowing like the cock. He is reminding those who are asleep to get ready for the battle of “Freedom and Justice” in Ghana. He is awaking the sleeping youth who?s human rights has be forfeited since 35(thirty five) years ago. He is awaking those who have suffered injustice, and various atrocities under any regime being it UP, CPP, AFRC, PNDC, NDC or the present NPP, to wake up and demand without condition from President Kufuor to accelerate the removal of our famous “Indemnity Clause” from our constitution and to allow his people to reconcile with their brothers. They are awake to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to their Justice. They cannot walk alone.

We cannot walk alone. And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall march ahead. We cannot turn back. Our people are asking for nothing but their common civil rights, "When will we be satisfied?" we can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfied as long as the poor Ghanaian continue to live in smaller ghetto and villages and deprived of good education and health care in Ghana. We will never be satisfied until our people are free forever. We can never be satisfied as long as President Kufuor refuses to remove this criminal and unlawful Clause from our Constitution. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls! down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream very soon.

I am not unmindful that some of us will go through great trials and tribulations in the process. Some of us have come to face all trials and tribulations until the “Indemnity Clause” is removed at long last. Some us have come from areas where your quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. We will continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive. Our weapon is the word of truth.

Fellow countrymen, this so-called “Indemnity clause 34 sec.(2) signed in 1992 which says: “It is not lawful for any court or tribunal to entertain any action or take decision or make any order or grant any remedy or relief in any proceedings instituted against the Government of Ghana whether before or after the coming force of this Constitution or against any person or persons acting in concert or individual to assist or bring about the change in government which took place on February 24, 1996, January 13, 1992, June 4 1979 and December 31, 1981 in respect of any act or omission”, is criminal and unlawful statement.

President Kufuor, hear the voice of your people and remove this unlawful “Indemnity Clause”. I am not unmindful about your political career and your commitments for democracy. President Kufuor, is it justified to protect such a criminal code?. Mr. President, Ghanaians knows that you generated from UP, Busia and Danquah?s tradition, and you unfortunately ended up working with the disputed (P)NDC regime for personal political reasons, but Mr. President with all respect, take this “Indemnity Clause” away for the sake of justice and the dignity of your people. Bare in mind Mr. President, that we the youth will not forgive you if you fail to demonstrate “Justice” and your moral obligation. One thing for sure is that, history will never die,! but have time to wait for those it was written for.

My leadership under the uprising “Ghana Social Democratic Movement” and other youth uprisings in the Diaspora, our aims and objectives are to deliver our people from political bondage and to put the records straight no matter how long it takes. They can run but cannot hide from truth and Justice.

The truth will set Ghanaians free. God Bless Ghana. Forward Ever

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