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Opinions of Tuesday, 3 May 2005

Columnist: Adzei-Akpor, Nii

Problems With Plastic Waste

I wish to submit this simple proposal for the consideration of all Ghanaians and the Stakeholders as a solution to the plastic waste problem in Ghana/Accra

1. At the manufacturing point Fifty Cedis (?50.00) should be added to the production cost of each Sachet of Pure Water or Poly Bag (Thus the consumer pays for this). This money should be paid into a central Fund and would be used to pay for any used poly bag or the used sachet bag returned.

2. After use, the ?50.00 could be redeemed on return of the used poly bag or the used sachet bag.

3. Redemption Points should be established for presentation and collection of the used sachet bag or poly bag.

4. Road side sachet water sellers, Shops that sell Pure Water or Poly bags must be compelled to accept used poly bag and or sachet bag and refund the ?50.00. The Shops can redeem their collected used bags from their suppliers or producers.

5. Each producer should receive and pay for returned used bags and they in turn redeem it from an established redemption point.

6. Thus a thrown away sachet bag or poly bag becomes money (?50.00) and could be collected by anybody and redeemed for cash. (Even the madmen in Accra can become self employed in collecting used poly and sachet water bags)

Administratively, AMA/Government, Sachet Water Producers, Poly Bag Producers can discuss how to implement this if it makes sense, such as setting up the Structures, Redemption Points, Education of the Populace, Advertisements etc. Since this will also require funds, I wish to also suggest that the producers must also be levied Ten Cedis (?10.00) per poly bag or Sachet Water produced for this administrative expenses.

I pray that all Stake holders will consider this proposal reasonable, meet to brainstorm in order to fine-tune it and see how effectively it will work




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