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Opinions of Saturday, 1 May 2010

Columnist: A.K. 47

Prof. Frimpong Boateng To Be A Victim?


have been so many credible personalities who could have been a
successful and more effective President or Presidential material. These
personalities did not get the opportunity to serve owning to reasons
that I sometimes do not want to understand.
In my candid opinion, the major reason affecting these people has to do with issues
of tradition within the party.

cite typical examples are the likes of Dr. J.B. Danquah, Victor Owusu,
Dr. Sarfo Adu and Prof. Adu Boahen. All in blessed memories. Everyone
would share the same opinion, that, these are people with much
integrity, therefore, could have been successful Presidents.
would bear with me that, if not all, most of these people were victims
of the so called tradition. Did any of the above listed personalities
know that he was in a race that he has no idea of wining? Or they knew
very well that they have a lot to offer to their motherland, therefore,
they persevered to reach the ultimate. If you share the same sentiment
that they really knew what they were about, and that they could have
been successful in their Presidency, why were they denied that
immunity. Is it in the name of their so called tradition? Or their
usual slogan “Is not your turn.”

this pending Presidential flag bearership race, one personality I truly
admire which in my opinion would be a better Presidential candidate for
our party is Professor Dr. Kwabena Frimpong Boateng.

question I keep asking myself is; Is NPP going for addition or
Tradition in the coming election? What I mean is that, is NPP looking
for a candidate who is capable of adding votes, or they only want to
follow their tradition. If tradition, fair enough, but the question is;
can tradition win election?
as a party, it is much easier to strategize and impose a candidate on
the delegates, or the delegates can otherwise impose a candidate on the
supporters of NPP, but the question here is, can you impose a candidate
on Ghanaians? If no, then delegates should forget about the issue of
tradition and rather go for addition which is the best solution to our
ailing canker.

am asked to strategize for NPP in the coming election, the only and the
best of all strategies is to present a candidate who is capable of
winning floating votes. Winning floating votes has nothing to do with
tradition but someone with personal attributes.

agree in line with Ben Ephson, when he made a publication in
his newspaper that personal attributes should keenly be considered in
this presidential race. Personal attributes here does not necessary
mean personal character, what it has to do is the track record of the
person. That is, what the person has previously done and what he can do
in addition if given a wider opportunity.

always ask myself; Does NPP delegates consider this race as a cosmos
Presidential race? Or what is their thought? A traditional race which
someone would claim is my turn? I want someone to help me to give a
proper definition of the pending race to NPP delegates.
only definition I have for them is; this election is all about choosing
a candidate who can appease the thirty percent (30%) floating voters
with his personal attributes and track records. That is all there is to
it. “Nothing more, nothing less.”

an average NPP activist would attest to the fact that we need these
floating votes in addition to our numbers to win election 2012.
Therefore, anyone who believes in agenda 2012 should vote for a
candidate who can win the heart of floating voters.This no other person than
Professor Dr. Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng.

are my main reasons for choosing Prof. Dr. Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng. He
is the only candidate I know who can win the heart of professionals and
for that matter floating votes due to his remarkable track records and
his personal attributes.
the benefit of those who may not know or may know less about this
eminent Professor, I would want to cite a few of his track records.

He is the first Black Personality to perform heart Transplant on this planet.

1992, he established the National Cardiothoracic Centre which is now
recognised world wide and also by the West African College of Surgeons
to train heart surgeons, cardiologists, cardiac anesthetists, operating
room nurses, intensive care nurses, cardiac technicians, and other
cardiothoracic technicians against all odds and impediments from some
Public officials, civil servants and medical professionals. Prof
Frimpong-Boateng, who is the Chief Executive Officer of the National
Cardiothoracic Centre at Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra persevered
to establish and commission a Cardiothoracic Centre in Ghana which has
trained over 40 cardiothoracic surgeons since its inception as at 2007
both Ghanaians and foreigners.

He is the first person to perform open-heart surgery in Ghana using the
heart-lung-machine. This no other person than Professor Dr. Kwabena
established the Ghana Heart Foundation to raised funds to assist those
who cannot afford the cost of heart surgery and to ease tension on
their relatives.
In 1999, he was awarded the Chartered Institute of Marketing, Ghana (CIMG) Marketing
Man of the Year.
In September 10, 2004 he was awarded Honorary Doctor of Science degree from the
University of Education, Winneba.
have always admired his reaction and attitude towards corruption and
the manner in which he deals with corrupt people. In term of
corruption, I would want to quote what a contractor who has ever been
awarded a contract by Prof. Frimpong Boateng told me.
won a contract from this man. In fact the contract was well completed
at the scheduled time and all conclusions in respect of the contract
were fulfilled by him (Prof. Frimpong Boateng).
went to his office and had some personal discussions with him, when
leaving the office; I left behind an envelope containing money and some

a week later, I received an EMS, thinking it was one of my usual
letters, surprisingly, the envelope contained invoice which had my name
on it. Attached was a letter from Prof. thanking me of my decision to
help the needy.
the man did was that he distributed all the money to orphanage homes
and took receipt (invoice) and posted them to me. Any time I’m awarded
a contract in Ghana, a phrase in his letter comes in mind. “I don’t
take bribe nor kick backs from contractors, I award contracts to people
with high competence.” It was my first time of hearing that.”
My reliable source tells me that, the money was about Twenty Thousand U.S Dollars
am highly optimistic that this is a man we can entrust a nation like
Ghana into his hands.A nation which in no time would be an Oil rich

the NPP to win the Presidency in 2012, we need a candidate who no
finger could be raised against. It would be noted that, one of the
reasons why the NPP could not retain power was the perceived negatives
against our Presidential candidate. If we still present the same person
for 2012, am afraid we shall not have any better results. The perceived
tradition that to win power (either from NPP or NDC) you must contest
for at least twice or thrice as it was in the case of Prez. Kuffour and
Prof. Mills, would not hold in 2012. We are now living in different
times. Well, if you are one of those who believe in that tradition,
then, let us wait for Prof. Mills to complete his second term, since it
is also a tradition which must not be broken. If that is impossilbe on
the side of NPP, then lets all forget about tradition and choose a
reputable candidate.

Marketability of any candidate we choose is very important. In any way
that you look at it, Prof. Boateng can be packaged, marketed and sold
to Ghanaians best.

argument that the bill boards of our Prez candidate for 2008 are still
at location therefore he should still be our flagbearer since he is
already known is a tinny thought and does not sound professional. Who
deceived you into thinking that Prof. Boateng is not known? In any case
bill boards do not win elections.
the fact that our former Presidential candidate has launched a new
picture style (logo) attests to the fact that “…. Old things are passed
away, behold everything is new” says the good Book. We therefore need a
new face for NPP in our new phase of our political struggle. That
person can be no other one than Prof. Dr. Kwabena Frimpong Boateng.

These and many that I can’t talk about now, are my reasons for supporting Prof. Dr.
Kwabena Frimpong Boateng.

It’s nice and proud to support people with high prestige and integrity.

Watch out for part 2 of this article. Meanwhile, I’m waiting for your comments.

By: A.K. 47