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Opinions of Sunday, 19 May 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Promise to Accept Whatever Verdict the Supreme Court Declares

Promise to Accept Whatever Verdict the Supreme Court Declares - requested of Nana Akufo Addo

I promise on my honour, to faithfully accept and uphold the Supreme Court verdict as final judgment on my petition and desire to rule Ghana. Whatever their decision is, and however it comes, I shall take it, Nana Akufo Addo may have said on oath to Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, the Asantehene.

I can hardly understand the motives of all those forcing bitter pills down the throat of Nana Akufo Addo or President John Dramani Mahama in advance of the outcome of the Election 2012 presidential petition pending in the Supreme Court.

I personally opine that anyone prevailing upon these two individuals to accept the results however they come is addressing the wrong persons. They are also coming up with wrong admonition which is as frivolous as it is vexatious.

They should rather be directing their advice towards the supporters of these two individuals by way of public education through organisations of seminars, workshops and public fora meetings. That is the only possible and most convenient way to prepare the minds of Ghanaians to accommodate whatever verdict is pronounced by the Supreme Court.

Why should they even anticipate there will likely be a pandemonium after the declaration of the Supreme Court judgment hence, cleverly compelling the two individuals to give promises? If the decision is done in good faith based principally on the overwhelming credibility of available evidence but not on corruption-induced discretionary exercise by the judges, there should not be any cause for alarm. We, the discerning people of Ghana are going to ensure no one abuses the rights of Ghanaians any further; simply for being an incumbent of some sort.

I have already written about the proclamations by some relatives of the Mahama NDC government Ministers and appointees based in the United Kingdom. They have been assured by their relations in government that the judges will decide the case in their favour so they should not lose any sleep over the court it. Mahama has been sworn in as the president of Ghana. He has been recognised by world leaders and governments as the President of Ghana. Designated personalities that came to Ghana to monitor Election 2012, that is, "International Observers", have declared the election very transparent, free and fair. Subsequently, the judges are simply to rubber-stamp the verdict declared by the Electoral Commission, they say.

With the just stated nonsensical view by the NDC if seen to be supported by the judges, then I shall not accept the verdict regardless of the contrary views already expressed or promised by Nana Akufo Addo. We want nothing but the absolute truth emanating from JUSTICE. Is this too difficulty to achieve?

Rumours are rife in London that some Ghanaian chief accompanied President Mahama to London to solicit the Queen to prevail upon Nana Akufo Addo to relinquish his intended claim to the presidency. They want him to abrogate the court case or to accept any perfidious verdict the Supreme Court may declare in favour of President John Dramani Mahama. If this is the reason why Nana Akufo Addo is tormentedly being requested to promise to accept any deceitful verdict, then they had better stop because it will not wash.

Nana Akufo Addo can promise them his life, who cares? Nevertheless, he cannot cede the wish of GOD and that of all discerning Ghanaians away on an obligated promise.

Why should he make such a promise to encourage or facilitate the second time rigging of a process in favour of a known rogue who is Corrupt, Lawless, Incompetent, and Mediocre & Bastardised (CLIMB)? I wonder why Nana is falling into the trap of some dubious persons who are insatiably greedy and selfish.

Let the Supreme Court declare nothing but a verdict based on JUSTICE as ascertained from credible evidence. Anything short of that will ignite tempers; I can see that from afar.

Luckily, the whole world is watching the court proceedings live on TV and online. Individuals are making their own informed decisions. Nobody can fool anyone any more! It hurts to tell the truth but in the end it brings comfort. I shall always proclaim the secret thoughts and wishes of the people over the mountain. Nobody should try to fold and tie our hands on our back by way of underestimating our intelligence. To hell with all those that seek to continually take the majority of Ghanaians for fools!

Why at all should some people think to be able to exercise their whimsical authority on Nana Akufo Addo all of the time? Many a dubious character is still castigating Nana Akufo Addo for not abiding by the Kumasi treaty where he gave a similar promise that gave the Electoral Commission, the NDC and John Mahama the blank cheque to implement unprecedented collusive electoral irregularities in favour of the perpetrators of the crime. No more repetition of that NONSENSICALITY!


Rockson Adofo