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Opinions of Friday, 31 December 2021

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Punish any Ghanaian prophet that defies IGP’s prophecy order

Inspector General of Police, Dr George Akuffo-Dampare Inspector General of Police, Dr George Akuffo-Dampare

Inspector General of Police, Dr George Akuffo-Dampare, is a farsighted police head who may be a presidential material if he were in say, the United States of America. The man is well focused and dedicated to serving his nation and people in absolute honesty and untainted professionalism.

Ever since he took over the reins of IGP, he has been chalking envious successes. He has taken the fight to the doorsteps of the armed robbers and other hardened criminals in the country. He is waging a relentless war against them to make Ghana safe for all discerning and law-abiding citizens.

It is just right by him to have advised the mushroomed prophets in Ghana, most of whom are pure charlatans, not to make any of their usual frivolous and reckless public prophesies during their 31st December “all night” sermons. These Ghanaian prophets have taken interest in such prophecies which mostly turn out to be false and fear and panic-inducing.

They do it to exploit the faint-hearted. They do it to suppress people by planting fear in them.

In 99 times out of 100, their prophecies never turn out as prophesied. Therefore, for Ghana to be serious for once, there is the need for controlling these fake prophets whose ultimate aim is to milk innocent Ghanaians for their lack of knowledge about the very Christianity religion they subscribe to.

If the prophets were to be serious and were indeed the men of God, they would communicate their prophecies to whom they concern in private but not to disclose them at sermons and under the coverage of recording cameras for public consumption.

I support the IGP banning all such nonsensical prophecies by our fake Ghanaian prophets.

Any prophet that dares him must be arrested, speedily prosecuted, and convicted to a prison term to prove that Ghana will no longer tolerate acts that militate against her progress.

More grease to the elbow of the IGP and a Happy New year to him and his police force.