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Opinions of Saturday, 2 June 2012

Columnist: Kwadzo, Adika

Put On The Floodlight!

I’ve vowed to support Kwesi Appiah whether lose or win, I don’t care what anyone thinks about him, and I’ve a strong feeling he’ll lead us far. The GFA in my view has always thought itself better than any other Ghanaian, hitherto Kwesi Appiah’s appointment, they claim they couldn’t find any competent Ghanaian to manage twenty two Ghanaian footballers but think themselves competent enough to manage everything football in this twenty four million populated country.
I write this with so much chagrin and embarrassment, though not experienced, I have some basic training in electrical engineering and I’ve had the honor of meeting excellent Ghanaian electrical engineers. I am aware you cannot guarantee a glitch free operation of electrical equipment so the practice has always been to install good backups and regularly maintain the equipment. My boss always tells me ‘the equipment must work no matter what’.
That is why I cannot accept what happened at the Baba Yara sports stadium today, why should our country sink this low? I heard Mr. Koku Anyidoho announce the dismissal of the Ashanti regional director of ECG on radio, clearly Mr. Anyidoho knows very little or nothing about power management in this country.
Though managers of ECG have over the years shown signs of sour incompetence and grand cluelessness, I don’t see how you can blame them for this occurrence when there is power supply to all other parts of the stadium and it’s neighborhood except the floodlights.
I don’t need a soothsayer to tell me that was an empty threat that ended where it began. So many people must be fired beginning from the Minister of Youth and Sport to the managers of the stadium (Sports Council), but they’ve again chosen a non-political convenient scapegoat for their public stunt - nothing will happen. I shudder to think this awful event will happen again and again.
There’ll set up a committee made up of their cronies to enrich themselves with our taxes in the name of per diems and the wasteful report will end up in a dustbin where it rightly belongs. If you think this event will teach our leaders a lesson am sorry it will not. Don’t be deceived by their knee jerk reactions for they were well rehearsed.
Congratulations to Mr. Appiah, some think the opponent was weak, I think the coach is good. He can be assured of my continuous prayer and support. I feel this is our year to show our soccer prowess on the African continent and the world over.

Adika Kwadzo