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Opinions of Sunday, 10 February 2013

Columnist: Lakpor, Juliet

RE: ‘A – G Letting Woyome GO’

I have read with shock and dismay an article with the above caption in the TODAY newspaper of Wednesday, February 6, 2013.

The story is attributed to National Secretary of the Progressive People’s Party (PPP), Mr. Kofi Asamoah-Siaw, who is gaining notoriety for being insolent, noisy and ignorant in his pronouncements.

I agree with Kofi Asamoah-Siaw with his call that the prosecution must be up and doing for a speedy adjudication of the case in court, but find it interesting and laughable to hear the General Secretary of the PPP say that, ‘‘the PPP is deeply concerned with [way] events [are proceeding, particularly] the inability of the prosecution to assemble witnesses to testify in the criminal case involving the payment of GH¢ 51million to Mr. Woyome…’’ The General Secretary also mentioned that it will be ridiculous that the state attorneys of Ghana can not find and compel witnesses to come to court.

I think Kofi Asamoah-Siaw and the Progressive People’s Party (PPP) are just being hypocritical and playing a double standards game with Ghanaians.

I want to point out to Kofi Asamoah-Siaw and the PPP that, their Party Founder, Bankroller and Flag bearer, Dr. Paa Kwasi Nduom was a member of the Former President Kufour’s (thirty (30) Member) Cabinet that took the decision at their one item Cabinet meeting at Akosombo that illegally planned and terminated the contract leading to the payment of the court ordered GH¢ 51million judgment debt to Mr. Woyome, being money he alleged to have spent from his pocket to arrange € 1.5billion (Euros) for the then Government which they failed to go and access.

In any case, Dr. Paa Kwasi Nduom was a Cabinet Member in the then Government, and i believe he has enough knowledge, information and documents about the case in court, so it will just be proper that the General Secretary of the PPP, and the PPP as a Political Party impress on their flag bearer to in the name of patriotism make himself available as a prosecution witness to help the State prosecute the case speedily as we all desire. It is out of pure mischief and double standards that characters like Dr. Paa Kwasi Nduom and Kofi Asamoah-Siaw will go ballistic any time they shamelessly want to comment on the issue of judgment debt.

It is in the interest of the State for Dr. Paa kwasi Nduom who also made the issue of judgment debt a priority during the 2012 campaign to willingly present himself as a witness without being compelled to do so.

I want to advise Kofi Asamoah-Siaw to stop making senseless insinuations in this matter because his boss whose bidding he seems to be doing is nothing but a criminal who has duped the State and was never made to face the laws of our land to answer for his diabolic and fraudulent activities whilst he was working with the States Enterprises Commission (SEC).

Kofi-Asamoah-siaw, a hot-headed and noisy young man who is always going on the frenzy to please his master must know from today that, his boss, the flag bearer of the PPP is a criminal who due to his nefarious activities at SEC was indicted in an SFO (now EOCO) report on charges of corruption, evasion of tax and causing financial loss to the State; and for fear of going to jail, Dr. Paa Kwasi Nduom run to the American embassy claiming he is an American Citizen and was given protection as an American citizen which enabled him escape from the arms of the law.

The question which are begging for answers are: 1. Did Dr. Paa Kwasi Nduom renounce his American Citizenship before coming to contest Parliamentary and Presidential elections in Ghana? 2. How did Dr. Paa Kwasi Nduom acquire his American Citizenship? 3. Is it the stolen monies that he has used to establish GoldCoast Securities and his other businesses?

How did Dr. Paa Kwasi Nduom acquire his American Citizenship? He went to America and claimed political asylum as a ‘VICTIM OF CONSCIENCE’ and gained an American Citizen status with the name PAUL YORKE, which he still signs as an American by status.

Dr. Paa Kwasi Nduom and the wife were involved in a lot of fishy deals as per the SFO report and scandals, which makes people who know them better sick if they come out pontificating as people who are incorruptible and have worked hard to be successful in life. It is even more shocking and laughable when Dr. Nduom keeps challenging people to declare their assets and source of their wealth.

It is a known fact that, there was a certain man who has been protecting Dr. Paa Kwasi Nduom. This man worked under all Governments since 1979, he worked under PNDC, NDC 1, served as Board Chairman and advisor on PSI under NPP, served under Prof. J.E.A. Mills’ Government, and is currently in this present Government too. The man in question was at the Castle in 1979 through to the late 80’s and at the time had oversight responsibility over the State Enterprises Commission (SEC), and he and his cohorts have been using their influence and positions to protect Dr. Nduom for their selfish and parochial interests.

It was alleged that when the SFO report indicted Dr. Paa Kwasi Nduom (Paul Yorke) at the time and he was to be arrested, this selfish and greedy characters who advised ‘Paul Yorke’ to seek the U.S. embassy protection from arrest, later went to convince the then Prez to let go of Dr. Nduom because they wouldn’t want Ghana to have problems with the American Government, which of course has let Dr. Nduom off the hook and he escaped arrest and possible prosecution.

Dr. Paa Kwasi Nduom, the then Executive Director of PME department at the SEC and one Mr. W.A. Adda, the then Executive Chairman of the Commission were involved in a lot of criminal deals in the restructuring of the State newspaper houses and Ghana Publishing Corporation, where they illegally and fraudulently took over U$ 158,000 from the state for no job done.

Dr. Nduom with the connivance of Mr. Adda managed to acquire State owned properties and fixed assets which he used as part of his group of companies. A matter we will deal with extensively in our future article, not forgetting the issue of his dual citizenship.

Dr. Nduom according to the SFO report made a false representation and used the name of Deloitte and Touche USA. He criminally introduced Deloitte and Touche (West Africa) as a consultancy firm and faked letter heads to create the impression that he was a member of Deloitte and Touche. At the insistence of Dr. Nduom, over US $ 1,046,287.87 were illegally transferred into his account for him in the United States, money on which he has not paid any tax. His total deal has caused a loss of over 5million US dollars to the State.

The report also stated that, Dr. Paa Kwasi Nduom and the wife, Mrs. Yvonne Nduom, a director of the illegal company (Deloitte and Touche, West Africa) did not even register the company with Ghana Investment Promotion Council (GIPC) which in the opinion of the committee, the company could not claim repatriation of profits under the investment law, which they illegally did.

It is also worthy to state that we will come back to deal with the faceless and greedy elements parading themselves as power brokers who have been shielding Dr. Paa Kwasi Nduom since the revolution era to date.

In the just ended 2012 elections, the Progressive People’s Party (PPP) used a fleet of very expensive pick-ups and we want investigation to be conducted into how those vehicles were bought, if it is found out that the vehicles belong to the flag bearer and bankroller’s companies and they were used for his political activities/or they were bought and used for their campaign and later sold to his companies IRS should quickly move in and collect taxes on those vehicles.

I very much pity Kofi Asamaoh-Siaw who keeps opening his mouth wide to make insinuations and making very useless and senseless demands whiles he refuses to understand the true character of their ‘dictator’ founder and flag bearer who for fear of being exposed is quick to be calling people names.

Kofi Asamoah-Siaw should become reasonable and stop being evasive and noisy because he does not know the facts and details of the GH¢ 51million judgment debt which is pending before the courts. It will be in the interest of Kofi Asamoah-Siaw to endeavor to attend the court sessions and also read proceedings to be informed and appreciate the true nature of the case instead of depending on cooked media reports to be making his gibberish.

The man, Kofi Asamoah-Siaw sees as the greatest thing that happened to Ghana, is nothing but a fraudster and an egoistic dictator. I challenge Dr. Nduom to go to court and set aside the SFO audit report that indicted him if he feels he is clean and genuine as he has made his ‘shallow’ General Secretary and the world to believe.

The Woyome case is still in court and witnesses are needed, Kofi Asamaoh-Siaw should compel his boss to come forward and assist the State as a witness to prosecute the case. Henceforth, Kofi Asamoah-Siaw and his boss should stop casting insinuations and imputing criminality on Mr. Woyome who has rightfully collected what belongs to him through a court judgment and whose matter is in the law court to be determined.

I want to assure Ghanaians that Civil Society will never want such wickedness and injustice to be perpetrated in this country again, the case in court should be pursued to its logical conclusion to declare Mr. Woyome’s innocence or otherwise and make sure THOSE WHO HAVE CAUSED THE STATE TO PAY HUGE AMOUNTS IN JUDGEMENT DEBT ARE BROUGHT TO BOOK. God Rules In The Affairs of Men.


Former Intelligence Officer [email protected]