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Opinions of Saturday, 28 September 2019

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

RE: Akufo-Addo is a dictator - Superintendent Tuubo

President Akufo-Addo President Akufo-Addo

From a publication on the Ghana internet news portal,, on Saturday, 27 September 2019, the former Executive Secretary (Superintendent Peter Lanchene Tuubo) to the most recent past Inspector General of Police (IGP) David Asante-Apeatu, has purportedly asserted on-air that His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo is a dictator. He has been very specific, terming him a "democratic dictator" who is vehemently averse to dissenting views.

There is a popular English proverb that goes, "Give a dog a bad name and hang him". Is he not on a mission to tarnish the president's reputation for his, (Tuubo's) parochial political interests and agenda? Was he not the one who in the immediacy of tendering in his resignation quickly went for a form to contest the NDC parliamentary primaries for his constituency in the northern sector in Ghana?

He says, the president has politicised all the state institutions. I don't seem to get him on this claim. Which state institutions has the president politicised and how or why? Are the IGPs not appointed by the president in consultation with the Council of State? Is the Supreme Court Judge not appointed by the president in consultation with the Ghana Bar Association or General Legal Council and the Council of State? Are certain positions in the country not by political appointment? Have other presidents before him not appointed people to such positions as is currently permissible by the constitution which may or may not be esteemed as erroneous to some degree?

What attacks is the president making on state institutions and which institutions are they? Could he name some of them and explain what the president has done to such institutions? Is Tuubo talking about the banks and the microfinance institutions? And if yes, what are the reasons for the collapsing of such institutions?

He goes on to question that if certain officials do not belong to political parties, or should not belong to political parties, why should they vote at elections? Every Ghanaian citizen like any other citizen in any democratic country has the right to vote at elections provided they have attained the minimum age, are sound and sane and have registered on the electoral roll as may be authorised by their nation's constitution. However, in certain professions and positions, one must maintain absolute neutrality even though they have the right to vote and they must vote.

Mr Tuubo resigned with immediate effect, ran for NDC forms to contest their parliamentary primaries and won hands down. Nobody is against him. However, from no notice served before his resignation, is that not questionable or in Ghana, you do not have a minimum number of days notice to serve your employer when you are resigning from your job? You just resign like that to create an emergency vacuum?

In the civilized Whiteman's democratic land, you are required to serve a notice but not to resign just like the way Mr Tuubo did. Could he be honest with himself and to Ghanaians that he was not secretly sabotaging the president and the IGP while he was at post as the Executive Secretary to the IGP? Did he not pass on any confidential information to his then secretly-affiliated-to NDC party and members of that party?

Could Mr Tuubo please volunteer information and explanation on Swing Votes and Floating Voters? This question just asked is in response to a statement made in the publication which is attributed to him, and I quote and unquote, "He argues that if they do not belong to political parties how come they are allowed to vote which is part of their civic responsibility"

It is not every citizen voting that stringently belongs to a political party hence having floating voters and swing votes. Let me quote the definitions of floating voters and swing vote for Mr Tuubo to cogitate about. If he has sabotaged his boss to culminate in his disgraceful sacking for being unprofessional or not living up to expectation, Mr Tuubo should please shut up, man up and own up for his unprofessionalism and act of sabotage.

A floating voter is a person who is not a firm supporter of any political party, and whose vote in an election is difficult to predict.

A swing vote is a vote that is seen as potentially going to any of a number of candidates in an election, or, in a two-party system, may go to either of the two dominant political parties. Such votes are usually sought after in election campaigns, since they can play a big role in determining the outcome.

Was former President Mahama, who asserted not to listen to any Ghanaian hence saying he has a "dead goat syndrome" and subsequently claimed Ghanaians to have a short memory so teasingly deciding to dance to insinuating "Yen ntie obiaa" song, a despot or not?

From the content of the web link produced below, were the NDC dealing fairly with a group of people in Ghana? If yes, how? And if no, why? What did you do or say about it then?

Finally, let my younger Ghanaian compatriot Tuubo drink from my overflowing fountain of wisdom by noting the types of leadership styles (authoritarian, democrat and laissez faire) and when to apply them. A good leader is he who embodies all the three principal leadership styles and applies each depending on the situation or the problem at hand. For his assignment, he must do a search on pragmatism as a policy to adopt to successfully govern a nation.

Let me weep for Ghana for abounding in saboteurs who allow the desires of their stomach to dictate to them but not the love of the nation.