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Opinions of Friday, 29 March 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

RE: "Akufo Addo should come face me in court - Justice Kpegah"

As much occupied as I appear today without much time to attend other issues outside my schedule, I am obliged by duty to Ghana to find a bit of time to address the following issue. I have barely read on Ghanaweb today, Wednesday 27 March 2013, a publication titled, "Akufo Addo should come face me in court - Justice Kpegah".

The publication, its contents and intent, is to inform all the media houses, Ghanaians both inside and outside Ghana of why he, Justice Kpegah, has filed a writ in an Accra Fast Track Division of the High Court against Nana Dankwa Akufo Addo. In his full statement submitted to all the Media Houses, he accuses Nana Akufo Addo of not only impersonating one W.A.D. Akufo Addo, but also, Nana not being a lawyer as he carries himself about.

Justice Kpegah proceeds further to open the Pandora box, alleging Nana Akufo Addo had the mortal remains of a dead body mysteriously buried under inexplicable circumstances in the Law Chambers of NANA ADDO DANKWA AKUFO-ADDO. As it is always said, an occurrence of a mishap in the life of a person opens him or her up to many otherwise unnecessary investigations, in case, other further criminal committals could be uncovered. This is exactly the pursuance of Justice Kpegah, for what real motives, he only knows. Now to him, Nana Akufo Addo is allegedly a murderer?

However, I have a quick rebuttal for him as time will not permit me to seek the opinion of my usual White legal brains. To start with, Justice Kpegah claims to be carrying out his actions in the interest of the public. He owes Ghana a duty to ensure that truth; justice and fairness prevail at all times in every sphere of the Ghanaian life. Excellent! I give him a credit for that. Nevertheless, I will question his integrity; drag him on the floor to the cleaners to be laundered if he fails my questions about to be posed to him. He should understand that Rockson Adofo, that fearless son from Kumawu/Asiampa does not suffer fools kindly. Excuse my harsh stance or words. Note, "Hard words do not break any bones". It hurts to tell the truth but in the end it brings comfort

1. Justice Kpegah from his use of the word "MAY", as in paragraph 10 of his full statement to the Media Houses depicts the incredulousness of his contention. He says, and I quote, "NANA ADDO DANKWA AKUFO -ADDO stole the identity and is impersonating one WAD Akufo-Addo who was called to the Ghana Bar and is No. 1190 on the ROLL OF LAYERS IN GHANA who may have been murdered in London or Ghana . For the sake of himself, his party and the reputation of his late father I am calling on NANA ADDO DANKWA AKUFO ADDO to sit down and pray to God for guidance and do a self-introspection of himself. He should forthwith enter appearance and file a defence to my claim in court and desist from using his paid agents and assigns to vilify me in the media".

2. Employing the word MAY (a possibility usage rather than certainty) to tell about the current state of that one W.A.D. Akufo Addo, from whom Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo stole his identity, and subsequently impersonated, the retired Justice Kpegah is ridiculing himself. He is not sure where the person is. He does not know with all certainty, where the person died, either in London or in Ghana.

3. Justice Kpegah is uncertain about the whereabouts of W.A.D. Akufo Addo and his mortal remains if indeed, the victim is dead.

4. As an astute Justice of the Supreme Court as he claims, he MUST be seen by the public in whose interest he is exposing the hidden past of Nana Akufo Addo to be employing words of certainty but not possibility or probability. He had better do justice to himself listening and doing exactly as I say.

5. Where is W.A.D. Akufo Addo and if he is dead, where did he die - in Ghana or in London?

6. If the said W.A.D Akufo Addo is dead, did he die a natural death or he was murdered? If he was murdered, who killed him and for what reasons and under what circumstances?

7. How and when did you come to realise that W.A.D Akufo Addo was murdered, and what did you do about it?

8. Is that same W.A.D. Akufo Addo whose mortal remains you think were or are mysteriously buried in the premises of the Law Chambers of NANA ADDO DANKWA AKUFO-ADDO in Accra?

9. When did you first learn about the mortal remains of a dead person in the alleged premises? As a lawyer or a judge by then, what did you do about it? Did you bring it to the public knowledge or you did not? If you did, what happened? If you did not, why did you not act then? 10. Is it fair to you; is it justice to Ghanaians, when you knew about crimes that infringe the laws of the land have been committed but you decidedly keep mute until today? What were or are your reasons for keeping silence over such crimes?

I am waiting on Justice Kpegah to calmly answer the questions posed above. From his full statement, I have come to establish that he reads my published articles. I have detected something in his statement that confirms my strongest belief ever that he reads my articles written about him. If he does as I think, then he is in for trouble if he veers off the path of truth.

I have said over and over again, that I did not come to the Whiteman's land, especially, "Long John's" country, to learn rubbish but to acquire intelligence, knowledge and wisdom which, I love to share with, or impart to, my fellow Ghanaians hence, the questions I ask in my articles.

I want Justice Kpegah once more to tell the whole world when he became privy to the charges he is levelling against Nana Akufo Addo. Why is he doing so now but not immediately when he became aware of those dastardly situations?

He is just ridiculing himself by his infantile actions. Even though there is not a statute of limitation on crime, why did he not tell the public then but now? This is my question to this former Supreme Court Justice Kpegah who surely is in need of psychiatric treatment. Are his rent and utility bills arrears doing his head in, making him go mental? Does he need financial assistance that probably DJ Sources can be of much help?

He wants justice for Ghana. Where was he when his fellow Ewe man, that notorious swindler of all time, Alfred Agbesi Woyome, duped Ghana out of GHC51.2 Million? Did anyone hear his views on the Woyomegate scandal hatched by his own Ewe fellows including Alex Segbefia to steal from Ghana? A fair and just man indeed, Justice Kpegah is. What did he do when almost the entire inhabitants of "Awonaland", his place of birth, were supportive of Alfred Agbesi Woyome stealing from Ghana that gargantuan sum of money? Where was he, and where has he been all this while that his NDC party has been fraudulently depleting the coffers of the nation, collusively dishing out the money to people from whom they would take kickbacks? I had better stop because the more I continue the likelihood that I will bury Justice Kpegah under the avalanche of insults.

Ghanaians are more currently worried about the state of the economy, how his NDC government filled to the brim with his people from Awonaland, are corruptively destroying the country. What is he doing about the official corruption all over the place in Ghana? I do not support Nana Akufo Addo stealing the identity of someone, murdering him and impersonating him in the law profession if indeed he has, as Justice Kpegah alleges. Nonetheless, I hate the double-standards by this good-for-nothing retired Justice Kpegah.

Why is he opening the Pandora box now if indeed, all his claims against Nana Akufo Adofo are nothing but the absolute truth? I, Rockson Adofo, the proud son of Kumawu/Asiampa will never fall for the trickeries of the NDC through a rented former Supreme Court Justice Kpegah. The NDC, John Mahama and Kwadwo Afari-Gyan have robbed Ghanaians of their votes and given the winning verdict to a thief who is as clueless as anything at the presidency.

I am waiting for a reply from Justice Kpegah. I will consult my White legal minds when I have time during the week or by the weekend and then make their views known to the public. Until then, all should wish Justice Kpegah away with a whiff. Treat him with all the scorn he desires. I do not want to take it up personally with him but his attitudes stink and his motives very suspicious.

I will keep on reminding all discerning Ghanaians, especially the NPP faithful, to remain RESOLUTE behind Nana Akufo Addo, the only way we can see justice in the ongoing Supreme Court case on election 2012 fraud allegedly committed by Dr. Afari Gyan and President John Dramani Mahama. President John Mahama is far worse than a confused river meandering aimlessly in the Amazon forest. He is lost in the forest of the Presidency, unable to tell his directional bearings.

Rockson Adofo

27 March 2013