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Opinions of Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Columnist: Samad, Seidu

RE: Animals Are Also Angry With John Mahama

“Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names”. My brother Akilu Sayibu should be ashamed of himself..........During the weekend the biggest story in the Lawra district precisely Babile in the upper west region was the unexpected being there of two elephants in the township of Babile. Later in the evening of Friday I had a phone call from my mum from Babile where she is and where was born, she said “two elephant were seen walking peace through the principal street of Babile and went straight and lie down under the giant billboard of National Democrat Congress (NDC) which was design with the umbrella, John Dramani Mahana and parliamentary candidate Abu Samson for 2012 general election at the round about”. In my curious to ask whether they are not destroying and harming them, she said, they laying down peacefully under the billboard of NDC.
It is laughable to hear my brother Akilu Sayibu that the elephant pull down the 2012 campaign billboard of John Mahama and rush back to where it come from. In the first place they were two elephants not one elephant, and secondly the elephants did not pass through Bagri dam and neither were they any billboard erected there, how one earth will any political party erect a billboard by a dam ‘aba’ please give us a break.
From Wa the capital of upper west region, the road leading to Babile where the two elephant were found, on the left hand side NPP billboard is erected there, while on the right hand side NDC billboard is erected there, and the two elephant were laying/resting under the giant billboard of NDC peaceful and harmless. The two elephants came there around 6:30 pm and were laying there and police officers were monitoring them till midnight around 3pm when they start moving toward a village called Yagga.
While these elephant were laying under the billboard of NDC, everybody was surprise, why the elephant left everything but rather laying under the billboard of NDC, mean while NPP billboard was also at the left hand side of NDC billboard, which was even design with the elephant, Nana Addo and Anthony Karbo the NPP parliamentary candidate for 2012 general election.
The peoples were not only surprise to see the two elephants in Babile but were also surprise to see the two elephants laying under the billboard of NDC leaving the billboard of NPP which they use as their party symbol. Babile a town full of NDC supporters see it be a blessing to the NDC party for an elephants resting under the NDC umbrella and ignoring colleague elephant. Now that elephant are running away from themselves, human beings should take caution.
In fact this is a revelation from Allah to tell the people of Ghana that they should have trust in the NDC government and join the NDC party as the obvious choice. This shows that NDC already won the impending case which the NPP has filled before the Supreme Court.
To me personally, these two elephants have come to deliver a message that the vision of the better Ghana agenda is not only reaching the good people of Ghana, but the better agenda is also reaching even animals in the bush or the animals kingdom. Since the elephant is the biggest animal in the animal’s kingdom, it has come to deliver the message to Ghanaians on behalf of the other animals.
The few NPP supporters in the town is still wondering and analysing this historic episode, by now they will starting making their mind to abandoned the NPP and starting blaming, Nana Akufo Addo, their presidential candidate, Dr. Mahamadu Bawmia, vice presidential candidate and Jake Obetsebe Lamptey the party chairman for sending electoral commission to court in against of the NDC apparent winning the 2012 election.
Charles Darwin supported the latter hypothesis. He believed we are similar to animals and merely incrementally more intelligent as a result of our higher evolution. But according to Marc Hauser, director of the cognitive evolution lab at Harvard University, in a recent article in Scientific American, "mounting evidence indicates that, in contrast to Darwin's theory of a continuity of mind between humans and other species, a profound gap separates our intellect from the animal kind." The elephant has delivered the message to the NPP and they must analysis it enthusiastically.
When Nana Addo and his campaign team fell off the podium during a rally in Kumasi, it was a revelation that they are going to lose the 2012 election apparently and indeed they lost it worthly. Before the Supreme Court declares the NPP as the losers of the case the elephants have already spoken. My brother Akilu Sayibu is hasten to judge themselves and not be judged, your article dub “animals are also angry with John Mahama” is full of bogus, vague, evils, criminality, unscrupulous, malicious, Machiavellian and you must render unqualified apology to those who read it. “Men do not reject the Quran because it contradicts itself, but because it contradicts them”. You have completely contradicted the whole episode and after you finished reading this article, you will render unqualified apology to Ghanaians and NPP will rebuff you from their party. Allah wants clean hands and not full hands. The NPP elephant is in court and the two elephants have made the verdict.
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