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Opinions of Friday, 9 June 2017

Columnist: Elikem Kwami Kotoko

RE: Discriminatory treatments against security officers who die in line of duties

The police hierarchy themselves try to fight for some institutional recognition The police hierarchy themselves try to fight for some institutional recognition

Lance Corporal Daniel Kwofie with service number 44579 is by all standards a very unprofessional and disloyal service personnel and the police better take a decisive decision on him for this level of gross indiscipline and failure to understand the scope of what he signed up for as a Police Officer.

The impudence of a service personnel who breaks all protocols within the chains and channel of communication and command to attempt to getting the attention of the president by pouring inciteful sentiments on social media, with a delusional and myopic perception that he is a known maverick and avowed outspoken officer in uniform; such a joke

To even introduce yourself to the President with your social media alias, makes me want to ask this police man whether he thinks the president is his social class mate, colleague or fan. I am equally beginning to question the mode through which this officer 44579 was enlisted into the Ghana Police. A stitch in time is said to save nine and I wonder how Daniel claimed to have done same during the tenure of the Former president His Excellency John Dramani Mahama and he still misbehaves whiles the police administration looks on as if he is an untouchable.

In which police regulation are aggrieved personnel's asked to direct their grievances to the president of the nation, bypassing all authorities in his line of command including the Vice president who is Chair to the Police Council, yet this lad has done this and no person within the service has called him to order. What a joke of the century, could this be in his own view, a definition of democracy?

This Lance Corporal claimed not to be afraid of any premeditated disciplinary action meant to bring him in line. Such an out of control personality has the courage to speak like this and so what can't he say when he is on duty and feels fed up with his details. This gentleman in question ought to be IMMEDIATELY called for questioning and punitive measures taken against him, further, he must be made to undergo a medical test to confirm or otherwise his mental fitness to don the uniform of the Ghana Police. I honestly suspect danger looming!!!

This police man relishes the opportunity to go on demonstrations and strike and his superiors do not see the kind of danger he is to the rest of the men. As far back as a student leader in my school days, I was once arrested and charged for inciting students, and here we are, an officer of the law is defiling his code of ethics and Ghana is expected to believe there is nothing wrong with what this gentleman has begun, which is a time-bomb; I WILL PETITION THE IGP, IF NOTHING IS DONE WITHIN THE NEXT 72 HOURS on this gentleman.

This disloyal police man imputes discrimination, and unfairness in our Presidents attempt at healing this nation over the gruesome murder of a commissioned officer and additionally an attempt to prevent spill over and excesses thereby containing the anger in the barracks and he reduces it to a mere “one of those deaths”. Lance Corporal Daniel Kwofie, obviously wish to be lynched too so his widow and children if he has any, will be great beneficiaries of a Lance Corporal Kwofie Foundation, interesting times. Does Daniel Kwofie know that there are a number of officers and men in the military who have also passed on in the line of duty and had not had this trust fund he talks about? Why would you want to compare two different situations when you know they can never be the same.

I am just so disappointed that Lance Corporal Daniel Kwofie blames the Presidents for fallen police men not receiving 21 gun salutes. Does he know what a 21 gun salute is at all or in the first place what does the police regulations say about 21 gun salutes and under what circumstances is it applied. I do not blame Daniel Kwofie because he was according to his own writing at Kantamanto instead of going to school so he may not read well and understand what the regulations say. This again questions his enlistment process.

A disrespectful personnel at that who can tell the President he is running an animal farm industry and yet the police command look on is a recipe for disaster. It also means the taxpayer continues to employ and pay persons expected to preform certain functions in the name of job, to justify their emoluments and this persons continue to pretend to be working.

He writes this trash on the false sense of thought that the police and the military are all security services and hence equal, why did he not attempt enlisting with the military instead? This in fact has been the bane of police and military personnel's clashing over needless things.

The police hierarchy themselves try to fight for some institutional recognition and so the police tries to undo the soldier and the soldier always and every time tries to assert his superiority over the police. Police officers see other rank soldiers and demand them to pay compliment which is not entitled and this must be said once and for all.

The police is a civil security establishment meant for maintaining law and order, in order words enforcer of the law. Their training makes them fit into this aim and purpose. Their aggression has a limit. But the military has a more rigorous and deadly combat defense training and orientation. The police must know that they will not and never make it. When they think they need to overtake the military to make name. It’s sad and the least said the better.

Daniel Kwofie is a disgrace to the police service and action ought to be taken against him with IMMEDIACY.