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Opinions of Thursday, 15 October 2015

Columnist: Thomas Akanyibah

RE: Ghana Police University starts soon; any cause for the junior officer to be happy?

Opinion Opinion

I have been one of the major exponents to the innovative and the proactive style of policing by the Inspector General of police Mr Mohammed Alhassan until his recent suggestion that the Ghana police service might start its own university soon.

It is undoubtedly a great idea for the Ghana police service which is stil struggling to re-structure its entire system to have a university and as the IGP intimated "This initiative is to boost the training programmes of the Service to enhance the security of the state.

Mr Mohammed further stated that, “The University will focus on excellence in enforcement training not only in Ghana but the whole of the sub-region. And with the can-do attitude that we’ve all pledged ourselves to, this will happen very soon,”.
Can Mr Alhassan explain to me the beneficiaries of this institution of higher academic learning? The senior police or the junior police officer?

I am simply writing this reflection to remind the inspector General of Ghana's police service that his effort might be negatively skewed towards the very purposes for which it was intended for because a million factors ought to be considered coupled with the endorsement of a strict apolitical deductive thinkers.

In addition to my critical mindedness, Who and by what criteria would every single member of the service be a beneficiary to the initiative?

Would any discipline in the institution attract a promotion for any member of the service who studies there?

Let me hasten to draw your attention to a typical template of your idea in the sub-region, Nigeria. The nigerian police university college is situated in Wudil, kano. It enlists civil applicants with SSCE with a minimum competetive cut off point. The applicants go through body selection and any other para military standardized formats and are finally nurtured for five good years in various disciplines leading to the award of a bachelors degree and a subsequent commissioning into the police force as an Assistant Superintendent of Police.

Is this the standard the Ghana police service wants to imitate in its university or the system of the Command and staff college of the Ghana armed forces which organizes universal security post graduate programmes for everyone in any form of a security setup?

I want Mr Alhassan Mohammed the IGP to give me reasons why an inferior police officer like me should be elated and endorse this initiative.

G/cpl Thomas Akanyibah,
Ghana police service,
RHQ -Accra.