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Opinions of Sunday, 20 March 2011

Columnist: Bokorvi, Martin

RE: Hon. James Avedzi Weakens Politically Ahead Of Election 2012.

In our democratic dispensation, assembly election is not based on political affiliation therefore a pro-NPP man winning the assembly does not mean the dominant party is under threat at all, unless O’Brain Dzaka wants to tell Ghanaians that assembly election have become partisan.

Probably, Mr Dzaka is ignorant of the constitution of Ghana. Nowhere in the constitution is it stated that Local Government Election should be partisan. If the statistics that Mr Dzaka had given is anything to go by ,that would not however mean that the fortunes of the Ruling NDC are dwindling because supposed NPP activist have won assembly elections. Taking the case of Anlo constituency, the home of Hon. Kofi Humado, the Minister of Youth and Sports, the assemblyman (Makafui Wornya) in that electoral area is the NPP constituency chairman. Does that however, mean that the feature of NDC in that constituency is dwindling? It is not true that the MP Hon. James Avedzi had been unpleasant and engaged in indirect exchanges with other colleagues on the floor of parliament. If Hon. Avedzi is arrogant as Mr Dzaka claims, the President would not have made him the chairman of finance committee in Parliament. Hon. Avedzi enjoys the full cooperation with his fellow MPs.

Also, Hon. Avedzi ,had been the MP for Ketu North for the past 2 terms .If he were unpopular with his constituents, they would not have given him the mandate for the second time to represent them in Parliament. Naturally, one cannot please everybody. The few people Mr Dzaka spoke to might probably be among the few disgruntled ones who cannot be pleased no matter what.

If Hon. Avedzi would retain his seat, it would be because of his good works and not through any machinations. For indications, l can only say that Mr.Dzaka is pursuing a hidden agenda against Hon. Avedzi to destroy his noble character. l therefore ,call on the discerning public to treat Mr.Dzaka’s piece with all the contempt it deserves.