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Opinions of Saturday, 7 February 2009

Columnist: Awudu Sannie & Yakubu Mumuni

RE: Is Atta Mills Neglecting Gonjaland People?

In reaction to the article written by Albert Nuhu on Ghanaweb ( accusing the President John Evans Atta Mills of Neglecting Gonjaland people is unfortunate and ill-conceived. It would not need an expect to decipher this article and know that the aim is not about development or concern for Gonjaland, but a sinister political move to pitch the people of Gonjaland against the Mills administration and in particular H.E. John Mahama.

We are posting this article to dissociate the Gonja community in UK and indeed the majority of Gonjas from such a dubious and selfish article. As Ghanaians and positive thinking Gonjas, we are more interested in the problems and challenges confronting our people and the country in general. The improvement of the livelihoods of Ghanaians by providing them with; good drinking water, jobs, shelter, food on the table and basics of human life so that, they can live as human beings not paupers as was the case in the past few years. Yes, Gonjaland aspire to the division of the Northern Region for developmental and administrative reasons, but the way to achieve this objective is not just by having Gonjaland MPs in the cabinet, but through negotiations with all stake holders in the region.

The MPs were elected to represent their constituencies and to bring about development to them and Ghana in general. To the best of my knowledge Gonjaland MPs did not complain or feel being slighted the president. If ministerial appointment is yardstick for development in Albert Nuhu’s thinking, then, he is being naive and alien to Gonjaland issues. Albert Nuhu should know that, H.E. John D. Mahama is holding the second most important post in the country and his assertion that Gonjaland has no representation in the cabinet baffles me, because we can have no better representation than the Vice-President in the cabinet. How then, could you say that H.E. John Mahama was being sidelined and disrespected by the President? We know the calibre of H.E. John Mahama He is not a sort of person who could be sidelined and neglected.

By nominating H.E. John D. Mahama, as his running mate says a lot about the respect and confidence he has in him and Gonjaland. We are especially disappointed in Albert’s approach, language and most regrettably insensitivity to Ghanaians.

Gonjas are a better people; peaceful, resourceful, tolerant and respectful. The administration of H.E. John Atta Mills is not even a month in office and even the budget is not yet out. What then is the rationale for this selfish article? What the people of Gonjaland want is development not ministerial appointments.

President John Atta Mills and Vice-President John Daramani Mahama will certainly deliver.

Awudu Sannie (Van Bell)

Yakubu Mumuni (Gowan)

London (UK)