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Opinions of Saturday, 12 July 2014

Columnist: Mohammed, Chief Obosu

RE: Isaac Osei Backs Alan Kyerematen’s Campaign

My attention has been drawn to a publication in the Enquirer Newspaper which is also been circulated on certain online news portals. The publication seems to suggest that Hon Isaac Osei has endorsed Alan Kyerematen through my appointment as a Press Aide to Alan Kyerematen.

I want to state unequivocally that I am not aware if Hon. Isaac Osei has endorsed any candidate and or given anyone logistical or financial support. Ordinarily, any such endorsement would have come to my attention. However, I do not know of any such endorsement and support that the publication seeks to suggest.

Again, I have always known Hon Isaac Osei as a firm believer and respecter of people’s choices. It is not his style as I know of him to tie people to his apron strings and give direction to anyone’s political and personal choices. That is the measure of the man, Hon Isaac Osei.

I want to reiterate that I joined the New Patriotic Party on my own free will and have my own opinion on issues that concerns the development and welfare of our party.

My association with the Alan Kyerematen for President 2016 Campaign is borne-out of my own personal belief and convictions.

I shall continue to be true to my conscience and make my opinion heard even if the heavens have to fall.

Let us all work in harmony and peace even in our diversity of opinions.


Chief Obosu Mohammed

NPP Member, Mfantseman