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Opinions of Thursday, 26 August 2010

Columnist: Yammin, Joseph

RE: Isaac Osei jabs NDC


It is high time we draw the attention of Ghanaians to the now “VAMPIRES” in the
country who want to resort to lies and misinformation in order to clinch onto
power in 2012.

The daily guide on Monday August 16, 2012 reports on page 6 that Isaac Osei Jabs

In the said story the defeated presidential aspirant of the opposition NPP
described the NDC as “destroyers”.

The embarrassed presidential hopeful who could not even convince up to 2% of
their delegates in their recent held congress was quoted to have said “if I say
the NDC are destroyers I know why am saying so because they have destroyed the
National Health Insurance Scheme, school feeding program and the national youth
employment program (NYEP) and other commendable initiatives the NPP introduced”
The Member of Parliament for subin and the disgraced Ghana high commissioner to
the UK was reconciling with the constituency delegates after they embarrassed
him at the congress.
We want to remind Hon. Isaac Osei that Ghanaians have not forgotten why he run
from his own shadow from UK as a high commissioner only to fail COCOBOD.
The NDC government has not collapsed any program initiated by the former
government but rather improved on it.
The Ghana School Feeding Program (GSFP) has been faring better under this regime
than the NPP regime. Currently the GSFP covers about 600,000 pupils in the basic
school but the government will increase it to cover over 1,000,000 pupils in
line with the program.
Under the NDC the operational manual of the GSFP is being implemented very well.
With this more jobs have been created; caterers who have 10 schools now have
only one and additional nine caterers have been engaged by the program.
By the operational manual Agric officers are also going to be engaged to contact
the local farmers who will grow to feed the program; another job creation.
In fact this government has paid all the arrears owing to caterers since 2009
and is now owing only about 18 days to payment off caterers; a better situation
than under the NPP where caterers were owed over three (3) months.
In the same vein, the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) has witnessed
massive improvement and restructuring under NDC. For example the scheme under
NDC has paid over GH¢ 33 million (300 billion old Ghana cedis) that it inherited
in the Ashanti region alone.
It has also paid service providers up to May 2010.
The registration under the scheme has doubled. The biggest benefit that
Ghanaians are welcoming is the one – time premium in January 2011.
The National Youth Employment Program has also received tremendous improvements.
The NPP left the beneficiaries of the scheme to their fate without any plans for
their exit. The NDC government since it took over the office improved the lot of
the program. The entire beneficiary have been successfully been existed under
The first thing the government did was to conduct a thorough screening and head
count of all beneficiaries of the program. Several ghost names used to siphon
money from the state were deleted. Again beneficiaries who were paid cash on the
table were also stopped. I can say with all certainty that there was a major
reason why the corrupt and incompetent NPP government was booted out of power.
The NPP has on its pay list a lot of ghost names. It have been detected that
have the number of people on the list do not exist at all.
The system has now seen a massive improvement and progress. One specific
reference is the health extension beneficiaries, members have been absorbed by
the Ghana health service and the rest have also been enrolled with the various
health institutions throughout the country.
Please, let no one use your medium to create “fear and panic” in the system for
their political gains. And I will like Hon. Isaac Osei to know that a
promiscuous society is not a promising one.

Thank you
Long live Ghana
Long live NDC government.

Joseph Yammin
(Ashanti Regional Secretary – NDC)