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Opinions of Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Columnist: Klufo, Sammy

RE: NPP Demands Financial Accountability From Akufo Addo

I would have left this article from debate through absurdity to the dust bin. I have decided to respond because some of us were invited to a ‘private meeting’ to discuss how we can cut down the fortunes of Nana Akufo Addo; slam Isaac Osei with his ‘notoriety’ at Cocobod and encourage Frimpong Boateng to set fire in the system leaving Allan Kyeremanteng the blue eyed boy of J. A. Kufuor, the candidate for 2012.

This meeting was to hurt not to ‘kill’ Nana Akufo Addo. Sure, we discussed the finances of the last elections and came to the conclusion that we could not blame Nana Akufo Addo for funds spent from donors. We knew that man was bent on spending every pesewa to get power- all presidential aspirants would. Those to blame are the people who were asked to spend or handle monies that ended up misspending them. We know especially a former top minister, a former regional minister and a regional chairman, all supporters of Allan, used very little of the monies and pocketed the rest.

We also discussed why we should not bring the reputation of J. A Kufuor into this. If you claim J .A Kufuor sold his property to finance his 2000 elections. How is it that between 2001 -2008 he was able to give Nana Addo monies to campaign when he was in public office? Please be careful not to drag J.A Kufuor into the gutter.

Nana Kofi Amankwa was not at that meeting. If the real author exists, then who is hiding behind him to create a mess for the party? Or is Kofi Amankwa, a ‘nom de plume?’

In any case, I have from 29 September 2009, when the article came out on Ghanaweb, de-associated myself from Allan’s camp, neither am I going to join any camp. Personally I don’t like Nana Addo, but that is personal. The party deserves new thinkers. Akufo Addo is definitely a clean minded thinker with language for delivery.

I am disgusted about Allan’s immaturity and the way he gleefully enjoyed the orchestration of the lies about Nana Akufo Addo leading to a disastrous washing of the party’s linen in public. How can Allan be ever thought of as a leader? I am mentally restrained but emotionally disturbed on issues on funds for the formation of calamari; PSI and EDIF issues; how Allan became Allan Cash….. Let us be absolutely careful!

The article itself must be left and kept at the bottom of the dust bin for so many reasons. Readers must permit me to tabulate my answers, thoughts and questions for all to appreciate the ill- motives; the lies and Allan’s failed ambitions:

(i) Mr. Amankwa wrote: ‘this Akufo Addo must choose the interest of the NPP as John Agyekum Kufuor did by selling his family property to help NPP to win power.’

Akufo Addo is the first among a tall list of patriotic Ghanaians and party that are alive today. Talk of PMFJ that fought against dictatorship in Ghana; his legal prowess, his political astuteness, his boldness and ability to stand against oppression and charged the streets during KUME PREKO PROTESTS; his role and sacrifices in the formation of NPP. The NPP was formed at Ringway Hotel, Akufo Addo’s family hotel, and later bombed by political opponents etc, etc. I may sound like praising Akufo Addo. NO! But I will not allow anybody to ‘kill’ our heroes just because we want to beat them at elections.

J. A. Kufuor sold his family property to fund NPP? Preposterous! If I was not at that meeting I would have said Kofi Amankwah (the author) was an NDC trying to trap J. A. Kufuor as to where he got the monies from to fund NPP. (ii) ‘He is not a presidential material’ he said. Who else is? With the brief background of Nana Addo stated in the foregoing paragraph who else can compare his credentials as a successful businessman, astute politician, legal huminary, kind but tough man etc, etc.

Literarily half of Ghanaian voting public gave Nana Addo 49.8% of its votes….. Nana Addo did not win the election; it was some of us (some of Allan’s people) who sabotaged Nana Addo to fail, so that Allan can have a go at 2012. Insiders know this is true!

(ii) He said Nana Addo is ‘70 years.’ Is he? Liar! Whatever Nana Addo’s age is, he is very strong and very sharp! Age? We want intelligence, experience and ability. The litmus test.

The author used insults and unsavory words like ‘arrogant, opportunistic, his stupidity, his nonsense……’ talk of someone who is a party man? Must I waste my ink on him? He beautifully stated:

‘Nobody is scared of him.’ This is it! We all know we are scared of him because he will beat Allan at the next congress, especially when everybody seems to echo ‘if you don’t allow Nana Akufo Addo to become NPP presidential candidate we shall not vote!’ This is the people’s position, and I am an honest person to state it, whether I like him or not!

I was at Chereponi by – election and we all saw the difference between Allan and Akufo Addo. Allan was, painfully to me, very ordinary; Akufo Addo was received like the leader of NPP. Yes ‘srotoi ye mli.’(to wit differences exist).

Sammy klufo.