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Opinions of Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

RE: NPP’s call for audit of voters register ‘absurd’ – Ofosu Ampofo

I am really amazed at the rampant display of either sheer stupidity or utter ignorance by most, if not the entire, top brass of the National Democratic Congress (NDC). Most of them talk or argue as though they have no white matter in their skull. They make authoritative, but purely derogatory statements, to underrate the intelligence of the entire Ghanaian populace.

How dare Mr Ofosu Ampofo, the National First Vice Chairman of the ruling National Democratic Congress to tag the NPP's call for scrupulous auditing of the perceived bloated voters register as "absurd?" Instead of being ashamed of the obvious incompetence and corruptibility of the ruling NDC government that has plunged Ghana into a socio-economic abyss that is militating against her development and the welfare of the citizenry, he is rather stupidly aspiring to win Election 2016 for NDC by a huge margin.

It is so disgusting the way the NDC are taking Ghanaians for fools. Upon all the mess that they keep making that has collapsed the economy of Ghana; no money to pay some medical doctors and some public sector workers for months if not years, Ofosu Ampofo and his likeminded myopic NDC members hope to garner one million votes in their favour in Ashanti region. Is their expectation not an insult to any well-meaning Ghanaian?

Why are they not seeking their fantastical one million votes elsewhere but in the very stronghold of the NPP? Does this simply not amount to an insult in the face? NDC are not to win any significant votes in any of the regions, let alone, winning a dreamed one million votes in the Ashanti region to continue to stay in power beyond 2016 election until 2020, if Ghanaians would be honest with themselves to desire a better standard of living for themselves and their offspring.

Why are the NDC scared of the voters register being scrutinized, audited or overhauled to ensure there are no ghost names, double or multiple registrants of same persons to give acceptable credibility that cuts across political divide or barriers, to the register? Why are they afraid of there being a genuine voters register? What do they stand to lose by the existence of any such register?

Ofosu Ampofo should not presume all Ghanaians are stupid. Many Ghanaians are more intelligent than him and his conspiring NDC members who are always taxing the patience of the law-abiding Ghanaians. We are no longer going to sit on our backside doing nothing while these NDC crooks take us for granted.

There will be an audit of the voters register whether Ofosu Ampofo likes it or not. To hell with his nonsense! Is he not ashamed of how the NDC have ruined Ghana through their reprehensible acts of "create, loot and share" corruption?

Time is of essence. There is no much time on our hands to sit vacillating between whether or not to inform Ghana's international partners about our quest for a credible voters register that will appeal to all and sundry. With a collectively acceptable voters register in place, all tempers will calm down with the results of any future national elections meeting the expectation of the Ghanaian electorates or the entire Ghanaian populace.

I shall write such a letter, but I will require signatures of tens of hundreds or thousands of Ghanaians to make it more serious when sent to our international creditors or partners. Look out for the letter of which copies will be placed in various centres in the Western world frequented by Ghanaians to gather the required number of signatures.

Forward ever, backwards never!

Rockson Adofo