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Opinions of Friday, 19 June 2020

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

RE: Nigel Gaisie didn’t kill Wendy Morris – Relative exposes Kennedy Agyapong’s 'lies'

Hon Kennedy Agyapong Hon Kennedy Agyapong

While glancing through, and at times perusing, the news stories on,, and, my usual online feature articles publishers, I came across a story on Ghanaweb titled, " Nigel Gaisie didn’t kill Wendy Morris – Relative exposes Kennedy Agyapong’s 'lies'". It was under their General News of Wednesday, 17 June 2020, as could be verified from the web link below.

Click here to read the story

A relative of the late murdered Wendy Fynn Morris, Mr Abraham Ferguson, has accused Kennedy Agyapong (Hon) of fabricating pure lies about the murder of his family member, Wendy, by listing seven points statements to authenticate his accusation against Kennedy.

I am more interested in points 6 and 7 as raised by Abraham. The others could be read from the web link indicated above.

6. Wendy has no single child anywhere in this world and Wendy has never traveled to Germany.

7. Wendy never attended Nigel Gaisie's church.

From the underlying video, Kennedy either correctly or wrongly said, Wendy, has her two children now in Germany but never said Wendy has herself been to Germany. He said, "Wendy's sister had returned from Germany…" This statement made by Kennedy could be heard from the 1hr 51 minutes of play into the video.

Again, on point 7, the relative of Wendy, Mr Abraham Ferguson, is here being a malicious liar himself. Wendy was a member of, or had attended, "Prophet" Nigel Gaisie's church. In the video below, Wendy could be seen making a testimony at Nigel's church about having been healed by the river Jordan water Nigel had brought from Israel. Anyone could see Nigel throw his arm around Wendy's neck after her testimony and says, "thank you, Jesus". The story about Wendy could be seen from the 46th-minute play into the video.

I am putting out this quick rebuttal following the many clearly silly comments passed by some ignorant semi-literate commenters on the story only to insult and defame Kennedy Agyapong (Hon). Most of them are treating Kennedy as a liar, disputing the fact that Wendy had ever been a member of Nigel's church or had ever been to his church, however, videos don't lie. Have the above two videos not proved Abraham Ferguson and his deceitful commenters ludicrous liars?

Ghanaians, please let us tell the truth to shame the devil. Don't let dirty politicking cloud your intelligence or else, when you are exposed as done in this case, you will have your face curved like a quarter moon (wa nim atwa 3).

Kennedy is telling the truth. He is the best criminal investigator in Ghana. He is no match for Anas Aremeyaw Anas, that criminal extortionist, blackmailer and unethical criminal investigative journalist.