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Opinions of Saturday, 29 December 2012

Columnist: Abroni, Thomas

RE: Open Letter To Samia


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The Youth of the Convention People’s Party (CPP) sees it dishonorable that the worst ever elected national youth organiser (now a non-member of the Party and political chaff) to be elected, Murtala Mohammed, has again chosen to embark on his unproductive exercise of smearing ridicule and falsehood on the National Chairperson and Leader of the CPP, Hon. Samia Yaaba Nkrumah.

Following the dismissal of Dr. Paa Kwesi Nduom and his stooges, who were exceedingly disloyal to the course of the Nkrumaist tradition, there were some individuals who chose to remain in the Party in a brief period to cause snippets of embarrassment to the Party, forgetting that their mischief would make them useless in the eyes of the public. Murtala Mohammed was one of these miscreants.

On December 24th this year, myjoyonline published an ‘”Open Letter to Samia” written in the name of Murtala Mohammed, an ineffective and resigned member of the CPP. The said article falsely and with the intent of ridiculing the National Chairperson and Leader of the Convention People’s Paty (CPP), featured reckless commentaries undeserving the kind respect due her.

We the youth wish to unequivocally state to Murtala Mohammed that the CPP stands vindicated both in spirit and in material form, that, after long years of struggle, within a short moment not only has the Party been able to smoke out stooges of imperialism but political vermin like his type whose stay then in the Party affected its fortunes of demonstrating its true independence and credibility in the electoral landscape.

The re-organisation of every party is centered on the youth but Murtala began his short life political career with gross disrespect to the entire leadership when he couldn’t even put together the youth to develop a programme for the Party. He must understand that, in the case of the CPP, the electoral results are just temporary.

We had thought for once that this most ineffective youth organizer could have stayed to be tutored on the ethics and values of contemporary leadership and politics. The platform given to him by the CPP should have been used to learn the rudiments of leadership and team work. However, it is encouraging that young, dynamic, discipline and eloquent youth leaders like Ernesto Kofi Yeboah, Kweku Dadzie and Djagbletey Jacob and Ernest Afram have come to replace him.

The Youth of the Convention People’s Party is willing to replace useless spanners and discard them for the sake of ensuring unity, effectiveness and growth in perpetuity in the effort to overthrow the neocolonial system of corruption, poverty and exploitation.

In the coming months, the CPP youth will not relent in its responsibility in upholding strong revolutionary loyalty to its leaders in so far as they remain on the course of discipline, hardwork and courage in the forward movement of the Party. Hon. Samia Yaaba Nkrumah has demonstrated her sincerity to the course of the CPP in ensuring internal discipline within these few months and therefore deserves commendation.

Ghana Must Work Again!

Thomas Abroni

(Member - CPP Youth)

For and on behalf of the –