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Opinions of Thursday, 9 April 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

RE: Reassign Kofi Boakye and face our wrath - Mampong Chief warns

On Monday, 6 April 2015, I happened to read a publication on Ghanaweb titled, "Reassign Kofi Boakye and face our wrath - Mampong Chief warns". However, I got a bit confused when indeed a direct quote from Mamponghene, Daasebre Osei Bonsu II, alias Saint, states differently.

In the publication, a quote from Mamponghene states, "Kofi Boakye has done his work devoid of political coloration so we will resist any attempt to resign him".

Before proceeding any further, let me pause to define the two principal verbs used, on which one can objectively judge Mamponghene. The verbs are "reassign" as specified in the title, and "resign" as indicated in the body of the statement as can be verified from the website link below.

Both words are different in meaning. Reassign means "to give an employee a different job, or to arrange for an employee to work in a different place" while Resign on the other hand means "to give up a job or position by telling your employer that you are leaving" or "to give up an office or position, often formally".

Regardless of whichever verb among the two that Mamponghene had used, or intended to use, his motive was totally wrong. In the Police Service, they have it as an operations regulation to transfer or reassign their personnel as and when the occasion demands, following their laid down procedures.

Why is it that DCOP Nathan Kofi Boakye's conditions of service within the Police Force must be treated differently? Why should the standing rules be bent to suit his selfish aspirations? What makes him so special and different from the other police officers who get transferred without making noises? I do not understand this great hue and cry coming from some NPP members and the Asanteman chiefs about his reassignment.

Was DCOP Nathan Kofi Boakye, a Biochemist and a Law graduate with Masters Degree not transferred from Central Region to Ashanti region? Has he not worked in Accra and other places before? Did he ever go prostrating to some seemingly powerful traditional chiefs, pleading with them to intercede with his bosses to prevent them from reassigning him? If he has never done that, why is he doing it this time around? Or, in Ashanti region, the laws are different as he once threateningly said to some purported destooled Kumawuman sub-chiefs?

His empty boastings and threats infuriated me so much so that I published an article about his deplorable attitude as could be read on Ghanaweb (22/02/2015), Modernghana and Spyghana under their Feature Articles, titled, "COP Kofi Boakye Threateningly Takes Sides In The Kumawu Chieftaincy Dispute".

Kofi Boakye can be discriminatorily strict, but he may not be fair. His unprofessional attitude to handling the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute, biased as he has proven himself, my perception of him as a Police Commander is tainted.

The NPP sympathisers must not be fooled by whatever Kofi Boakye might have told them as regards NDC winning their stupidly trumpeted "one million votes" in the Ashanti region, if at all he might have. How will his presence in Ashanti region prevent that move by NDC if indeed, they have resolutely determined to go down that path? Is the self-asserted apolitical person not actually political, courting the support of NPP in his dire straits of compulsory transfer or reassignment?

The NDC cannot win a million votes in Ashanti region with or without Kofi Boakye in the Ashanti region. They are just tickling themselves and laughing. We shall change the currently bloated electoral register with which NDC intend to rig election 2016.

I personally believe his reassignment has come as a fulfilment of God's purpose for Kumawuman. The people of Kumawuman have decided to serve a leader (Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V) after their heart as chosen for them by God Almighty, but Kofi Boakye is ingloriously resisting God. He has been dispatching armed police personnel to suppress the people. God is proving to him that He, God, is God. He is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent.

I want all Ghanaians to understand that God is behind the transfer of Kofi Boakye from the Ashanti region. Kofi thought he has power to do as he likes when he likes, but God is proving to him that He, God, wields the ultimate power, but not Kofi Boakye. If Kofi cares, he can read all my published articles for his attention and he will see how my predictions about him according as informed by God are unfolding.

The Asanteman chiefs were hiding behind Kofi Boakye to intimidate Kumawuman people. As man proposes, God disposes. Asantehene has been manipulating Kofi Boakye to do his dirty jobs for him. But there is an end to everything that has a beginning.

The Ashanti Regional Minister Sarpong and his Deputy Joseph Yammin aided Kofi Boakye to send armed police personnel to Kumawu to molest Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V and his elders. Where are those two Ministers? Have they not lost their jobs? Can they now possess the power to order armed troops to Kumawu? No! The same fate will befall Kofi Boakye, the so-called Commander I, if he does not mend his biased attitude towards Kumawuman citizens.

Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II and Asanteman Council are in the wrong, seeing the way they colluded with Kumawuhemaa to impose one Dr Yaw Sarfo, the purported Kumawuhene going by the stool name Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah, on Kumawunman. Instead of accepting the fact that they have made a serious faux pas, they are rather intransigently hiding behind Kofi Boakye to pursue their agenda to the end. God who listens to, and answers prayers, has taken Kofi Boakye on. Now that he has been ensnarled by his own evil doings, he is crying foul.

Back to Mamponghene, he can go on hunger strike, for that I care? Kofi Boakye came from somewhere to Ashanti region. The time has come for him to go from whence he came or to another place. He either accepts a reassignment or he goes for a resignation. Why should he feel wedged between a rock and a hard surface? Is he indeed in a dilemma?

The suffering people of Kumawuman are still kneeling in supplication to God to take control of the Kumawu chieftaincy case. They are praying to Him to punish all those who are His mere handiworks (Asantehene, Kumawuhemaa, etc.), but are trying to challenge His authority in various mischievous ways.

Unless Kofi Boakye realises his mistakes made towards Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V, his elders and supporters, and goes on his knees to seek God's forgiveness, he will suffer the wrath of God. This transfer issue is just the tip of the iceberg of worse things to come his way should he continue with his misbehaviour towards the Chosen One of God (Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V).

He should go back to read all my prophetic revelations as published on my favourite websites since December 2014.

Mamponghene should not dare pull the wool over our eyes. He wants Kofi Boakye to continue to stay in Ashanti region to do their dirty work for them as it is with Kumawuman.

Watch the video posted on YouTube titled, "Asantehene involves in corruption" to see how Mamponghene proved himself a corrupt and a shameless chief. Then again, watch on the same YouTube videos titled, "Barima Tweneboa Kodua V – The Real Kumawuhene" Part I & II. Just type in "Real Kumawuhene" on YouTube and it will take you to the videos. You will see how the police personnel maltreated the people even though there was not the slightest established provocation by the public yet, Kofi Boakye had the indecency and audacity to threaten Barima Tweneboa Kodua V and his elders with arrest. Shame on him!

Anyone who tries to challenge the authority of God will suffer His wrath, I keep on saying. He who has ears must listen to what the spirit is saying.

Rockson Adofo