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Opinions of Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Columnist: Alfa, Abdur Rahman Shaban

RE: Reject The NDC Politics Of Sugar, Rice And Hajj

Much as the source of the above titled article for which I write this rejoinder, Muslim Youth for Change’s (MYC) motives might seem right, I find portions of it intriguing and a bit lopsided and seek thus to address them.

My locus in all of this being that, as a young Muslim, media savvy and a person who believes that the true potential of the Muslim is yet to be unleashed for particular reasons other than those enumerated in the article in question.

I seek not, never and for no reason to run down fellow Muslims in an act they see as noble and one that would inure to the benefit of the Umma – Muslim Community – but rather to step in and smoothen some rough edges as it were.

Question: Is the Veep, John Dramani Mahama’ call for accountable leadership as a means of averting riots as is pertaining in North Africa RIGHT? if yes, that in my view draws a clear disconnect between the first two paragraphs and the third; which goes to hit out at a particular Government drawing in hypocrisy, subtle maneuvering, votes, Zongos amongst other variables.

Our problems as young people in Muslim dominated areas – Zongos – extends way beyond some of the reasons MYC is trying to force down our conscience, the particular mention of the ruling party (National Democratic Congress, NDC) is yet another lopsided assessment benchmark.

Successive governments have over the years chosen to deal with the Muslim youth and Muslim populations as we want to be dealt with. Having said that; I contend that any attempt to change that unfortunate status quo must be premised on a conscientious effort at behavioral change through and through.

The instance of parties in power and even opposition parties for their own parochial ends donating items (rice, sugar and milk as you mentioned) to the Muslim populace during Ramadan, Eids and other Muslim festivities IS NOT exclusive to the last one and trust me would not be the last of it.

Hence beyond that, what I think we should do is to strive to draw clear parameters over who and who can be beneficiaries of items that would certainly not suffice the generality of Muslims as it were. Then would we be making any realistic progress.

That the NDC is a ZONGO people’s party might not be entirely true, but that certainly is a very deeply ingrained perception that has been fuelled over the years by acts that further buttress that perception. Prominent muslims in NDC are more than on the other side.

Now unto the HAJJ and issues that the NDC through Muslim gurus want to take it over for personal interest, much as I concede that; that is wrong even if that is the case, that has been the case and would continue to be with no concrete bipartisan structures so to address such grave an anomaly.

Onto the subject of a Muslim running mate and what have you; who said that was the solution to our problems? Brothers and sisters, let’s not delude ourselves on this subject.

Whiles admitting that it wouldn’t be out of place to have even a Muslim President, the political topography offers much more than religious affiliations as reasons to vote a particular party and candidate for that matter.

For all intents and purposes, if a Muslim presidential or parliamentary aspirant proves that he cannot hold a certain post he aspires to, let’s axe him at the electoral level before he disgraces us after taking office subsequently.

The NDC and any other government for that matter would continue to use, abuse and confuse Muslims on all fronts until such a time that we begin to disrobe from our political cloaks and unite under the banner of Unity of Purpose, then demand for our due.

Demanding for our due meanwhile cannot be on the back of small noises from different pigeon holes, rather that we empower ourselves with EDUCATION (secular and Islamic), skills training and strong bargaining powers.

In all of this is the most critical bit about the fear of Allah (taqwa) this certainly is the only sure bet to us all waking up to a better Ummah tomorrow and in order to harbour any realistic hopes of a brighter and twinkling future for successive generations.

I have watched MYC’s drive for accountability in issues of the last two HAJJ programmes, the demand for reports is right but I contend should be by the right means as Islam is a religion that preaches due process.

As for getting pro-opposition newspapers to create disaffection for Muslim leaders in our country, as MYC did time back in the ‘Daily Searchlight’ newspapers, that admittedly leaves much to be desired.

Permit to also take an opportunity to advice with utmost passion that; we respect the institution of leadership as Allah and his messenger Mohammad Al Mustafa (May Allah exalt his mention) have said: the point to which I drive here is due respect for the Ulama – learned – Muslims the leader of which is the Nationsl Chief Imam, Sheikh Dr. Usman Nuhu Sharubutu, may Allah bless our leader.

May the Almighty Allah bless us all for that which we do to advance the betterment of Muslims in the country and to push further the frontiers of this great religion, AL ISLAM.

Source: Abdur Rahman Shaban Alfa

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